8 pages, The National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization (NAITCO) is a professional network of state and territory Agriculture in the Classroom programs. Its purpose is to provide national leadership in promoting agricultural literacy with the vision that “agriculture is valued by all” (National Agriculture in the Classroom, Citation2023c, Vision, para. 2). The organization grew out of a task force formed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 1981 (National Agriculture in the Classroom, Citation2023e). Agricultural literacy is not a new concept. In the late 1980s, the National Research Council of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences established the Agricultural Education in Secondary Schools Committee to examine the status and forecast the future of agricultural education. The impetuses behind this research were the many forces identified by the Council that were challenging American agriculture and education.
9pgs, This study was conducted to identify the agricultural extension needs of women farmers and to assess the impact of their participation in agricultural extension programs on vegetable production in the area. A sample of 145 women farmers from five Grama Niladhari (GN) divisions of the DS division was randomly selected for the study. Data were collected from a researcher administered survey and analyzed using descriptive statistics and a regression analysis. As per the results, a significant number of the women farmers have
participated in most of the extension and training programs. However, some of them haven’t registered in the farmer organization present in the area. Agricultural extension agents of the area have focused on dissemination of more information regarding modern farming technologies, organic farming, application of agrochemicals and fertilizers, and improving market systems. The majority of women farmers have
used the knowledge received from the extension programs in vegetable farming activities. Furthermore, there is a significant and positive relationship between participation in extension programs by women farmers and an increase in vegetable production. Therefore, encouragement of women farmers to register in the farmer organization, provision of timely important extension service to them, organizing training programs, and workshops to disseminate agricultural information are crucial to further enhancement of vegetable production in this area.
22 pages., The disconnect between the public and agricultural production is a growing concern for the Canadian agriculture industry. A lack of knowledge regarding food production can lead to distrust in the industry and in the safe, nutritious food grown on Canadian farms. To assess consumers’ level of agricultural knowledge, we surveyed consumers about agricultural production. Results reveal a lack of basic knowledge in most areas, and a particular deficit in the areas of crop protection, organic production, and advanced plant breeding technologies. Based on these results, we recommend that the agriculture industry focus education and communication efforts on these topics.
22 pages, Support for the agricultural sector from the European Union via the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is evolving. The last CAP reform in 2014 made one further step toward mandatory approaches. To understand the "social thinking" and behavior when faced with these measures, an innovative application has been adopted. Globally, the farmers' discourse manifests contradictions between environmental concern and the financial dimension, which is the expression of their daily difficulties. Mandatory approaches to sustainable agriculture may favor what the Theory of Conditionality called "legitimate transgressions" if regulations appear unadapted to real practices because compliance and opportunity costs are too high.
Ochilo, Willis N. (author), Ruffhead, Holly (author), Rumsey, Abigail (author), Chege, Florence (author), Lusweti, Charles (author), Oronje, Mary Lucy (author), and Otieno, Washington (author)
Online journal article
Publication Date:
Taylor & Francis
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 77 Document Number: D10807
18 pages., via online journal., Mobile apps are increasingly being used to answer development challenges around the world. The development opportunities that apps offer is wide-reaching but uptake of the technology varies. This article examines the ease of use and factors impacting user acceptance and behavior when interacting with an app for agricultural extension in Kenya. Results show factors including gender and age play a role in the adoption of technology by agricultural extension agents. The findings have useful lessons for apps’ development in the agricultural sector and suggest that including intended users of an app in the design process significantly increases usability.
24 pages., via online journal., Biofortification of staple crops to combat micronutrient deficiencies is gaining global recognition. Projects promoting biofortified food crops use intensive agriculture-nutrition education and extension activities to increase adoption of such crops. This study examines the effect of such programs on the adoption and diffusion of orange-fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP). It finds that intensive agriculture-nutrition education and extension programs adopted by some of the biofortification projects increases the adoption and diffusion of OFSP. Specifically, participation in mother-to-mother nutrition support clubs and nutrition-focused health talks affect its adoption and diffusion, but with varying degrees of importance. The paper discusses the implications of these findings.
15 pages., via online journal., The study analyzed 108 films released during the transformation agenda period. The proportion, frequency, centrality and framing of agricultural content in the movies were reviewed. Data obtained were described using frequency counts and percentages. One out of three movies screened had agricultural content, which was either one or two scenes in the movie (80.0%). Such content was mostly peripheral (89.0%) to the themes of the films and negatively framed (60.0%). Potentials of the industry for agricultural purposes were poorly utilized by government. Government should partner with Nollywood to portray agriculture in a positive light for improved citizens’ attitude toward agriculture.
15 pages., via online journal., Colorado State University Libraries (CSUL) support the preservation of agricultural history, as evidenced by their participation in the Preserving the History of United States Agriculture and Rural Life: State and Local Literature, 1820–1945 project, administered by Cornell University. This article reviews CSUL’s work on this preservation project, including digitization of historical agriculture-related documents. CSUL’s latest effort to keep agricultural literature relevant and accessible includes moving the Colorado Agriculture Bibliography website to Springshare’s LibGuides platform (https://libguides.colostate.edu/agbib). Advantages and challenges of using the LibGuides platform for the promotion and sharing of such collections are discussed.
9 pages., via online journal., This study assessed the use of Facebook by farmers and extension agents in Otukpo Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria. One Hundred respondents (80 farmers and 20 extension agents) were selected using purposive and random sampling techniques. Research findings revealed that most farmers (56.2%) reported a low level of use of Facebook, while 50% of extension agents made high use of Facebook. Major constraints to using Facebook were poor network services for farmers and power failure for extension agents. Sex, formal education and income had significant effect on the farmers' level of Facebook use. It is therefore recommended that Internet services and electricity be improved in the study area.
16 pages., via online journal., The goal of this study was to evaluate a radio program as a source of agricultural information and examine the relationship between specific socioeconomic characteristics and listenership. The findings revealed that half of the farmers listen to the radio program, while older farmers are more likely to be listeners. Moreover, there are no significant differences between listeners and nonlisteners with respect to education level. More focus should be given to mountainous and less favored areas where more traditional information sources prevail. It is strongly recommended that the broadcast be sustained and improved based on farmers' suggestions and be regularly assessed.