James F. Evans Collection, This article surveys the theoretical and empirical literature on the economics of advertising during the last decade. The survey notes several promising advances in theoretical modeling of the role of advertising in consumer choice and social welfare. Numerous empirical investigations of food and other consumer products have established relationships between advertising and market structure or performance indicators. Less progress was found on selected socioeconomic advertising issues that are difficult for traditional economics to handle. (original)
Douce, G. Keith (author), Edwards, David M. (author), Musser, Wesley N. (author), Reece, Susan Y. (author), Varca,Philip E. (author), Wetzstein, Michael E. (author), and Musser: Associate professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Oregon State University, OR; Wetzstein: Assoicate professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Georgia-Athens, GA; Reece: Graduate student, Department of Psychology, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Georgia-Athens, GA; Varca: Former assistant professor, Department of Psychology, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Georgia-Athens, GA; Edwards: Graduate research assistant, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, TX; Douce: Extension entymologist, Department of Entymology, University of Georgia-Tifton, GA
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 85 Document Number: C05398
AGRICOLA AGE 86929022, Extract: Georgia peanut farmers have adopted integrated pest management (IPM) on only a limited basis, although objective data indicate that IPM technology may be more efficient than conventional pest control strategies. Users and nonusers of IPM hold different views pertaining to the consequences of employing IPM. These beliefs influence its use. Educational programs on these beliefs should influence adoption and continued use of IPM. This article analyzes belief data pertaining to IPM among 192 Georgia peanut farmers and explores the relationship between beliefs about IPM and its adoption.
Kuchler, Fred (author), Offutt, Susan E. (author), and Offutt: Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Illinois, Urbana; Kuchler: Agricultural Economist, Natural Resource Economics Division, ERS
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 71 Document Number: C03156
Colvin, E.M. (author), Mighell, R.L. (author), and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Economics Research Division; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Economics Research Division
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 17 Document Number: B02073