14 pages, via online journal, Water quality is a complex issue and residential fertilizer can be one of the many contributors to poor water quality. Working with residential audiences to help them understand and reduce their impacts on water quality is an important task among many agricultural education and Extension professionals. In order to effectively work with residential audiences, we must first understand what influences their intent to engage in fertilizer best management practices. In this research, we paired the Diffusion of Innovations and Elaboration Likelihood Model to examine the influence of perceptions of an innovation’s characteristics, personal involvement with water, and communication on intent to engage in fertilizer best management practices. The communication was presented to experimental groups as a 35-second video about fertilizer best management practices. Data were collected via a survey instrument and were analyzed using inferential procedures. Four of the five characteristics of innovations significantly influenced intent to engage in fertilizer best management practices among the control group. However, all five characteristics were significant among the entire sample but the influence was less compared to the control group. Involvement increased intent while the video treatments had little effect. The results of the research support existing findings, but also offer areas of new discovery as well as insights for practice and additional study. Future research should examine the repetition of communication as well as different dimensions of involvement.
14 pages., via online journal., The smartphone is perhaps the most influential device in modern society. Research has indicated
students perceived that using smartphones in the classroom aided learning. However, most American
high schools ban students from using phones in the classroom. Previous research supports the idea
that advanced smartphone applications in student- centered learning environments can improve
achievement and motivation. Currently, there is little in the agricultural education literature pertaining
to smartphone enhanced learning among secondary agriculture students. This study compared
motivational differences between non-equivalent comparison groups. Secondary agricultural students
from 13 schools across Louisiana completed the Course Interest Survey to measure motivation during
a forestry unit. Data were analyzed using Hierarchical Linear Modeling. The analysis rendered no
statistically significant differences between the groups in motivation. It was concluded that
smartphones do not reduce motivation and should be considered in agricultural education classrooms
where policy permits.
15 pages., via online journal., Water quality is a complex issue and residential fertilizer can be one of the many contributors to poor water quality. Working with residential audiences to help them understand and reduce their impacts on water quality is an important task among many agricultural education and Extension professionals. In order to effectively work with residential audiences, we must first understand what influences their intent to engage in fertilizer best management practices. In this research, we paired the Diffusion of Innovations and Elaboration Likelihood Model to examine the influence of perceptions of an innovation’s characteristics, personal involvement with water, and communication on intent to engage in fertilizer best management practices. The communication was presented to experimental groups as a 35-second video about fertilizer best management practices. Data were collected via a survey instrument and were analyzed using inferential procedures. Four of the five characteristics of innovations significantly influenced intent to engage in fertilizer best management practices among the control group. However, all five characteristics were significant among the entire sample but the influence was less compared to the control group. Involvement increased intent while the video treatments had little effect. The results of the research support existing findings, but also offer areas of new discovery as well as insights for practice and additional study. Future research should examine the repetition of communication as well as different dimensions of involvement.
22 pages, via online journal, Traditionally, 4-H agents have been communicating with stakeholders through newsletters; either in print or online. 4-H agents have used social media as an additional tool to communicate with their stakeholders since its introduction. Social media communication can help maintain or increase stakeholder involvement in the 4-H program because a large percentage of the population is active on social media. Using Uses and Gratifications Theory and Diffusion of Innovations Theory as frameworks, this study sought to determine how Florida 4-H agents engaged with their stakeholder audiences using social media, and vice versa. The uses and gratifications motivations for engaging in media were used to understand what motivations were used to engage their audience and what type of posts (according to motivation) stakeholders were engaged in most. The diffusion of innovations innovation-decision process helped to understand the audiences’ decision to engage in posts dependent upon the motivation used. The results of this study concluded the selected 4-H programs differed in the content that they posted but the 4-H stakeholders did not differ in how they engaged in their respective programs posts.
10 pages, via online journal, Extension’s ability to purposively develop the capacity of its agents to effectively work with and
lead people is limited by a lack of data that identifies for which competencies agents need training.Interpersonal leadership competencies are widely recognized as important for Extension
professionals and the literature indicates they are linked with job satisfaction, motivation, and
performance. The Borich method was used to identify priority training needs for Extension agents
in Florida within the interpersonal leadership domain. A Principal Component Analysis revealed
the interpersonal leadership competencies could be operationalized into two latent constructs,
conflict management and group leadership. Competencies for which training is most needed were
mostly part of the conflict management construct. The results can be used to intentionally design
professional development programs, improve the state’s competency model, and inform future
research related to conflict in Extension.
18 pages., via online journal., Meeting the demands of a proficient scientific workforce depends on students’ communication skill preparation. To describe students’ self-perceptions of their communication skills, we surveyed 315 students in Texas A&M University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Participants noted they were most proficient in their ability to listen effectively and least proficient in asking effective questions. Each communication skill characteristic showed a statistically significant difference before and after college engagement, but we found no statistically significant difference in the overall communication scores of students. Therefore, we recommend: 1) interviewing employers to understand their perceptions of entry-level employees; 2) investigating when students transition from false sense of confidence to actual confidence; 3) conducting a longitudinal study to investigate students’ perceptions of communication skills throughout their college experience; 4) evaluating faculty’s communication
teaching methods across disciplines; and 5) investigating the influence of self-reflection on students’ attained communication skills. Conducting such studies could lead to stronger connections between the academy and the industry, especially as faculty strive to align their teaching with needs of the industry.
15 pages., via online journal, Genetic modification (GM) science has received considerable pushback from consumers despite the research finding GM products are safe for consumption. This may be partly due to the disconnect between consumers and farms since most consumers are disconnected from the farm by at least three generations. The largest consumer population is composed of millennials, which is the generation furthest removed from the farm which may mean they need to be educated differently about GM science than other generations. The purpose of this research was to determine if there were generational differences regarding the perceived attributes of GM science to inform the development of extension programs designed to educate consumers about GM science. A survey was used to collect consumers’ perceptions of GM science. The respondents were grouped into generational classifications and perceptions between groups were compared. The findings revealed generations do perceived GM science differently and extension programs should be designed for specific generational audiences.
Via Online Journal, Extension is challenged with meeting the needs of a variety of stakeholders. As the country becomes
more urban, Extension may need to adapt programming to reach new clients. Having an
understanding about what, when, and how urban food producers gather information is important
to address their needs. Information that is relevant, up-to-date, and meets clients’ needs, enables
their ability to adopt new ideas and innovative technologies, providing more opportunities for
success. A mixed-method research design explored the information needs and information-seeking
behavior of urban food producers in Columbus, Ohio. Urban food producers in this study most
needed information to increase food production. Respondents preferred to receive information
from the Internet and other electronic media over conventional information sources. This group of
urban producers trusted information from university and Extension sources, but expressed mixed
opinions about their personal experiences with OSU Extension.
13 pages., Via online journal., This study examined adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) by
agricultural science and extension teachers in Abuja, Nigeria. Specifically, the objectives are to:
identify the background and demographic characteristics of agricultural science and extension
teachers in the study area; examine the factors influencing adoption of ICTs by respondents and
determine the challenges or constraints militating against adoption of ICTs by respondents in the
study area. Data were collected from 60 purposively selected agricultural science and extension
teachers in the study area. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics SPSS 19.0, Likert scale,
t-test and Logit model. Ages, teachers’ experience, access to ICTs were significant factors
influencing adoption of ICTs by respondents at 1% probability level. Teachers’ attitude, teachers’
awareness significantly influences adoption of ICTs by respondents at 5% probability level. Word
processors are perceived useful in setting tests and examination question papers, while, photocopy
machine was perceived ease to use to make copies of teaching materials. Access to appropriate
ICTs equipment and lack of infrastructure such as irregular electricity supply are the major
challenges. The study recommends easy access, awareness and use of ICTs by instructors and
regular supply of electricity to improve and stimulates adoption of ICTs by respondents.