Online from publication. 3 pages., Ideas for staffing and promoting sales of fruits and vegetables in the produce departments of retail food stores during the Easter season, which features nearly as heavy volume as Thanksgiving.
Online from publisher. 3 pages., In this commentary, the Executive Director of the Alliance for Food and Farming argues that the "dirty dozen" list published annually by the Environmental Working Group is "scientifically unsupportable, negatively impacts consumers and it is insulting to farmers and farm workers working hard every day to provide produce to consumers." She says, "If we have learned anything from the pandemic, it is that science (not rhetoric or false claims) needs to guide our health and safety choices."
Online from publication. 3 pages., Food store produce specialist urges produce managers to get summer extra-help staff members identified early and begin to train them by mid-April. "June is too late, you know." The busiest quarter of the year for fruits and vegetables is often run with the least-experienced people, due in part to summer vacation schedules of experienced personnel.
USA: International Food Information Council, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12153
Online from publisher. 3 pages., Author suggests that say one form of produce is safer and more nutritional than another should be avoided. Cites top seven things to remember about eating healthy and safe foods "when this year's (or any year's) "Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen" lists invade your social media streams."
Online from publication. 7 pages., Merchandiser of fresh produce explains how theater events in a produce department can create fun and excitement and can make memorable impressions on customers.
Online from periodical. 7 pages., Senior merchandiser of a produce wholesaler reports recent examples of successful events and displays in retail marketing of mushrooms and apples. "So, produce world, what will your customers see next when the curtain rises in your department? Create theater, create opportunity, and create sales!"
Online from publication. 3 pages., Author compares the produce departments of two food stores, in terms of appearance, organization, selection, and staff assistance. Emphasizes how loyal customer retention affects grocery bills, which are "everyone's single-largest bill, behind a mortgage or rent."
Online from periodical. 3 pages., Author described the responsibilities and importance of the produce manager/specialist. "These hardworking individuals live in two worlds; they have one foot in the stores and one foot in the corporate office." Emphasized the need for communications leadership among the teams with whom they work.
Online from publication. 3 pages., "As we find evermore convenient ways to serve customers and work smarter, let's not lose the human touch. We all need it, no matter our age or location."