11 pages, Urban parks and green spaces are among the few places where city dwellers can have regular contact with nature and engage in outdoor recreation. Social media data provide opportunities to understand such human–environment interactions. While studies have demonstrated that geo-located photographs are useful indicators of recreation across different spaces, recreation behaviour also varies between different groups of people. Our study used social media to assess behavioural patterns across different groups of park users in tropical Singapore. 4,674 users were grouped based on the location and content of their photographs on the Flickr platform. We analysed how these groups varied spatially in the parks they visited, as well as in their photography behaviour. Over 250,000 photographs were analysed, including those uploaded and favourited by users, and all photographs taken at city parks. There were significant differences in the number and types of park photographs between tourists and locals, and between user-group axes formed from users’ photograph content. Spatial mapping of different user groups showed distinct patterns in the parks they were attracted to. Future work should consider such variability both within and between data sources, to provide a more context-dependent understanding of human–environment interactions and preferences for outdoor recreation.
Online from periodical., "William Perry Pendley's illegal stint as Bureau of Land Management head undoes a first-of-its-kind land designation in Montana
8 pages., via online journal., Given the well-documented impacts of angler behavior on the biological fitness of angled and released fish, optimizing the conservation value of catch-and-release angling hinges on the extent to which anglers are willing to adopt recommended best practices and refrain from harmful ones. One potentially powerful mechanism underlying adoption of best practices is the social pressure anglers can apply to one another to enforce community norms and values. Past work in other domains demonstrates that forms of interpersonal communication—including social sanctioning—can foster context-appropriate social norms and increase cooperative behavior; yet to date, little research has examined these dynamics in the context of species conservation. We conducted in-person and online surveys to explore the role of social sanctioning in the context of an internationally renowned wild steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fishery in British Columbia, Canada. We investigated how diverse social-psychological and demographic factors influence anglers' past and future sanctioning propensity. Results highlight that perceived capacity to influence the angling practices of others and professed concerns about one's own reputation were strongly predictive of both past and future sanctioning. Furthermore, while anglers reported relatively low-levels of past sanctioning behavior, most anglers simultaneously expressed a strong desire to sanction others in the future. Identifying ways to increase the social desirability and visibility of sanctioning actions could assist resource managers in promoting adoption and maintenance of best practices. More broadly, our findings underscore a significant yet underappreciated role for wildlife users and enthusiasts in cultivating a shared conservation ethic to help ensure biological conservation.
See the article in page 8 of a special 75th Anniversary section of this issue (Doc. No. D09286), Author is the long-time writer of a column, "Outdoor Observations," in Delta Farm Press.
13 pages., Online via AgEconSearch., Author presented a marketing approach in formation and promotion of the rural tourism product, based on resources the Republic of Serbia has.