Another question is why Shaggy's "Hot Shot" was overlooked by voters. Released last summer, the album made it under the Sept. 30, 2000, deadline and fulfills the requirements with original material. The fact the album went virtually ignored for almost a half-year probably contributed to its absence on the list of finalists. Reportedly, the single "It Wasn't Me" gained life when a KIKI-FM deejay down-loaded the tract from the Internet and put it on the radio. The Honolulu station played the track, winning appeal from all of Hawaii. These months later, BET and MTV have spirited the video to return the Boombastic Lover Lover to the charts. The album is now No. 3 on Billboard Magazine's album chart, but nowhere on the Grammy list of five selections. Favored to place, show or win, The Baha Men of the Banamas were a sure bet. Their baseball-friendly "Who Let the Dogs Out" is awaiting verdict in the dance recording category.