279 p, The Shape of a Diaspora : The Movement of Afro-Iberians to Colonial Spanish America / Leo Garofalo -- African Diasporic Ethnicity in Mexico City to 1650 / Frank "Trey" Proctor -- To Be Free and Lucumà : Ana de la Calle and Making African Diaspora Identities in Colonial Peru / Rachel Sarah O'Toole -- Between the Cross and the Sword : Religious Conquest and Maroon Legitimacy in Colonial Esmeraldas / Charles Beatty-Medina -- Finding Saints in an Alley : Afro-Mexicans in Early Eighteenth-Century Mexico City / Joan Cameron Bristol -- The Religious Servants of Lima, 1600-1700 / Nancy E. van Deusen -- Whitening Revisited : Nineteenth-Century Cuban Counterpoints / Karen Y. Morrison -- Tensions of Race, Gender, and Midwifery in Colonial Cuba / Michele B. Reid -- The African American Experience in Comparative Perspective : The Current Question of the Debate / Herbert S. Klein; Time: To 1830