346 p, Contents: 1. The Search for Origins: Women and the Division of Labour during Slavery and Indentureship -- 2. 'A Woman's Place': Colonial Ideology and the Reality of Women's Work 1898-1938 -- 3. The Politics of Sex, Race and Class -- 4. The Early Labour Movement -- 5. Women and Labour Struggles: 1900-1938 -- 6. The Early Women's Movement -- 7. The War and Post-War Economy and the Rise of the Middle Strata: 1939-1960 -- 8. Post-War Welfare Policy and 'Women's Work' -- 9. The Post-War Women's Movement: 1939-62 -- 10. Responsible Trade Unionism and the Woman Worker: 1939-62 -- 11. Constitutional Change and the New Nationalist Politics -- Chronology of Trade Union Development: 1919-1960