332 p, Introduction : the contours of modern Caribbean politics / Anthony Payne, Paul Sutton -- Liberal economics versus electoral politics in Jamaica / Anthony Payne -- Democracy and disillusionment in the Dominican Republic / Jan Knippers Black -- The Duvalier dictatorship and its legacy of crisis in Haiti / James Ferguson -- Race, politics, and succession in Trinidad and Guyana / Ralph R. Premdas -- The march of militarization in Suriname / Peter Meel -- Revolution, democracy, and regional integration in the Eastern Caribbean / Tony Thorndike -- The Grenadian revolution in retrospect / Courtney Smith -- Political economy and foreign policy in Puerto Rico / Jorge Heine, Juan M. Garcia-Passalacqua -- The odyssey of revolution in Cuba / H. Michael Erisman -- Domestic policy, the external environment, and the economic crisis in the Caribbean / Ramesh F. Ramsaran -- The offshore Caribbean Anthony P. Maingot -- U.S. intervention, regional security, and militarization in the Caribbean / Paul Sutton.;