Women farmers benefit from mobiles
- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Vincent, K. (author)
- Format:
- journal articles
- Publication Date:
- 2009-06
- URL:
- http://search.proquest.com/docview/199983770?accountid=14553
- Published:
- Lesotho
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D00796
- Journal Title:
- Appropriate Technology
- Journal Title Details:
- 36(2) : 30-31
- Subject Term:
- agricultural development, cooperatives, development, development communication, economics of information, farm women, finance, information issues, Lesotho, media effectiveness, rural development, rural women, telephone communication, value of information, women, information technology, cell phones, and mobile communication
- Notes:
- Via UI electronic subscription. Report published by IRIN, the humanitarian news and analysis service of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.