- Collection:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC)
- Contributers:
- Lassen, Bent Claudi (author) and Guild of Danish Agricultural Journalists
- Format:
- Speech
- Publication Date:
- 2005-06-05
- URL:
- http://www.agrijournalists.dk/smmedia/ifaj-bel_doc?mb_guid=18171a5e-16c8-4d98-82fo-67383589ed26.doc
- Published:
- Denmark
- Location:
- Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 162 Document Number: C26791
- Subject Term:
- animal rights, communicator effectiveness, Denmark, food safety, journalism, journalists, organizations, risk communication, roles, and pork
- Notes:
- Presented at the centenary of the Guild of Danish Agricultural Journalists, Copehnagen, Denmark, June 5, 2005. 4 pages.