Poem featuring a listener's reaction to an extension agent who used the technique of listening and asking questions. "The other night at meeting house, We listened quiet as a mouse, To hear a man the Council got, 'Splain runnin' farms right on the dot. Instead of talkin' how to plow, And how to feed and milk a cow, How chicken coops get filled with lice, He said he's from our own State College, That had quite a bit of knowledge, Which matched with our own common sense Would knock our losses off the fence. He said most folks is in a groove. Before their business will improve, They've got to open up their mind, And think right sharp why they're behind. He asked us questions straight and hard, And what we done to make hens lay. You'd thought to hear him ask and ask, His head was empty as a cask, But when he finished up with us, We'd never seen so smart a cuss."