Osigwe, Chibandu C. (author / Librarian/Documentation Specialist, National Agricultural Research Institute, Guyana) and Librarian/Documentation Specialist, National Agricultural Research Institute, Guyana
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 96 Document Number: C07572
search through journal, Information is the key to innovation and self-sustaining development. It is the vehicle that carries all development efforts in all disciplines of human endeavor. Sustainable agricultural development must have its base on a sustainable information infrastructure and both of them should be viewed equally. This paper looks at some definition of sustainability and from there defines sustainable information management. The systems and infrastructures that have helped in building and providing a continuous information flow to maintain sustainable agriculture development are reviewed. Efforts being made by information professionals to conserve information materials are mentioned and information cooperation in the form of information systems/databases and networks are examined. (author)