INTERPAKS, Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 1981. (Paper prepared as working document no. 9 for the Workshop on Linkages Between Agricultural Research on Farmers in Developing Countries, 13th-14th May 1981, Paris, France, sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.) 41 p., Notes the distressing downward trend in developing countries, particularly in Latin America, in the number of scientists trained in agricultural research. Points out the urgency for the training of scientists particularly at the higher levels. Extension poses different problems as there is no comprehensive study of extension services in developing countries and the resources allocated to them. Suggests that a further comparative analysis and evaluation of the costs, returns, manpower, equipment and training requirements of alternative approaches and systems of transferring research results to farmers would be worthwhile. Concludes with a section on types of action that might be taken to economize on recurrent costs. Includes several tables in the annex such as research expenditures for 65 countries, 1975 and 1990; research and development expenditures as a percent of GNP and ratio of technicians to scientists and engineers; staffs and expenditures for agricultural research and extension systems in 36 low-income countries; regional education and training costs for research and extension services; and limitations on ability to finance recurrent expenditures.