INTERPAKS, Mimeographed, 1984. Paper presented at the Farming Systems Research Symposium, Kansas State University, October 7-10, 1984. 20 p., Describes Kenya's restructuring of the research and extension network to meet the needs of the majority of small farmers. In order to improve the extension services the government of Kenya adopted the T and V approach to extension. It also became necessary to re-direct agricultural research towards definite goals, related to national needs rather than the customary disciplinary interests. To make the research process more efficient in generating appropriate recommendations for the target group of farmers, the on-farm research with farming systems perspective (OFR/FSP) has been accepted and will be integrated into the research process in Kenya. The major task is that a strong linkage mechanism is established to make sure the limited research and extension resources are utilized efficiently. Concludes with a discussion of the linkage mechanism that could be established within the existing institutional framework to improve the technology generation and dissemination process.