Jensen, Helen H. (author), Johnson, S.R. (author), Kesavan, T. (author), and Center for Agricultural and Rural Development and Department of Economics, Iowa State University, Iowa City, IA
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: East Lansing, MI : Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 91 Document Number: C06672
James F. Evans Collection, Diet and health attitudes affect food consumption behavior. The National Dairy Board provided information on the benefits of calcium and dairy products in a 1985-86 national advertising campaign. A latent variable measuring consumer attitudes, constructed based on an ad tracking survey, is shown to have a positive effect on both the probability of dairy product purchase as well as the quantity of dairy products purchased. The consumption data were from the USDA "Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals." (original)