Berque, Pascal (author), Toure, Ousmane (author), and Berque: GRET Exchange and Communication Department; Toure: Head, Inter-African Centre for Rural Radio Studies, Ouagadougou
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 91 Document Number: C06579
James F. Evans Collection, Rural radio. The term can conjure up broadcasts devoted to extension work, remote from the self-expression and needs of the population and closeted in a broadcasting studio to the detriment of the field -- a negative image which has been around for 10 years, ever since the sad revelation of the shortcomings of Africa's rural radio. Now that the media are diversifying and getting their freedom, it is time to do justice to rural radio, which is and will long be the African rural populations' main, if not only, source of information in their own language. A new-style rural radio is emerging. It is closer to the people, run from a network of regional and local stations, and will both involve the rural population and be open to the world at large. (original)