Conlan, Sharon K. (author), Lee, Paul (author), Morehouse, Diane (author), Rubinyi, Robert (author), Stockdill, Stacey (author), and Conlan: MES Program Designer and Assistant Professor, Minnesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota; Rubinyi: Minnesota Extension Service technology systems leader, Telecommunications Development Center technology specialist, and Assistant Professor, Minnesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota; Lee: TDC Communications Director, Minnesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota; Stockdill: Associate, Quality Evaluation and Development (QED); Morehouse: President, Quality Evaluation and Development (QED)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 76 Document Number: C04052
James F. Evans Collection; AGRICOLA IND 91023375, St. Paul, MN : University of Minnesota, Telecommunications Development Center, Minnesota Extension Service, 1989. 8 p. (TDC Research Report No. 5), During 1987-88, TDC initiated a 14-month pilot of an audiotex information service (INFOU) in two Minnesota counties. The project was to assess the feasibility of the technology in Minnesota Extension Service county offices to respond to the thousands of consumer telephone queries on home horticulture and home economics that county agents handle annually. Audiotex proves to be a successful technology in responding to many consumer questions. The technology is well-linked by consumers. However, audiotex is better suited for urban application because of a higher density of Touch-Tone telephone service, which is required to access the system fully. These systems require a significant level of marketing to prevent them from becoming "invisible."