6 pages, The COVID-19 pandemic has restricted traditional delivery of Extension programs. Our group of Rutgers agricultural agents responded by developing a weekly webinar series to remotely continue agricultural consultations and provide an open forum for farmers. Pandemic-related topics included farm labor, compliance with state executive orders, supply-chain disruptions, livestock processing, farmer assistance programs, and other issues. Participation from 258 farmers, agricultural agencies, and other groups resulted in effective networking and timely delivery of information to the agriculture industry. By using available online tools, we were able to efficiently deliver Extension programming and resources to agricultural producers and industry partners. Our efforts may be informative for others as needs related to the pandemic evolve.
This committee report examines relationships between extension communicators at the state level with local extension agents in providing news to mass media.
Andrews, Mary P.; Place, Nick T, Crago, Nancy E. (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
USA: Erudition Books
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: KerryByrnes1 Document Number: D01327
Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, Chapter 9: pages 125-151 Agricultural extension systems: an international perspective. Michigan State University, University of Florida and Pennsylvania State University.