Online from the publisher, Findings of a recent national telephone survey by the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) indicated that most farmer respondents (71 percent) are listening to radio, and during an average of 4.7 days a week. The findings indicated that 65 percent listen to AM radio, 53 percent to FM radio, and less than 20 percent to satellite radio. Most radio listening takes place while driving or operating farm equipment, 82 percent while driving a pickup and 64 percent while operating farm equipment.
Via ProQuest Historical Newspapers. 1 page., USDA reports estimates of more than 1 million receiving sets now in regular use on farms. Article describes listener acceptance of the new medium. Also describes response to the USDA experimental radio market news service announced on December 21, 1920, and developed thereafter.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C09869
National Association of Farm Broadcasters Archives, University of Illinois. NAFB Publications Series No. 8/3/90. Box No. 14. Contact or Documentation Center, NAFB Resolutions, Reports,Trade Talk, and Surveys, 1994-95
Via ProQuest Historical Newspapers. 2 pages., Report of a nationwide survey among farm residents by the National Farm Radio Council. Identifies kinds of programs valued by listeners. Article also describes the role and organization of the Council.