7 pages, Pecans are a heart-healthy food, serving as an excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids, micronutrients, and phytochemicals. Despite rapid growth of the U.S. pecan export in global market, domestic pecan consumption has been stagnating, especially in attracting young consumers. This study seeks to investigate the effectiveness of nutrition education brochure that utilizes two information formats-rich media and traditional media-for promoting nutritional knowledge of pecans among young consumers. The experiment followed a between-subjects 2 x 2 design. Four versions of digital brochures were developed to manipulate two independent variables: video (absent vs. present) and recipe (absent vs. present). The findings indicated that including a video in the digital brochure can help increase consumers’ perceived information quality, and recipe content can help increase consumers' trust in the nutrition information and information source. The results also showed that for consumers with a lower prior knowledge regarding pecans, educational materials including a video were more effective than materials without a video. Such strategies to promote pecan consumption could benefit the pecan industry as well as public health.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C19712
Pages 65-80 in Georgette Wang and Wimal Dissanayake (eds.), Continuity and change in communication systems: an Asian perspective. Ablex Publishing Corporation, Norwood, New Jersey USA. 274 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C19717
Pages 229-239 in Georgette Wang and Wimal Dissanayake (eds.), Continuity and change in communication systems: an Asian perspective. Ablex Publishing Corporation, Norwood, New Jersey USA. 274 pages.
Balit, Silvia (author) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 150 Document Number: C24244
Retrieved May 5, 2006., 38 pages., Emphasizes the need and potentials for giving a voice to rural women in development. Presents case examples involving varied channels for communicating, from traditional media to new electronic technologies.