USA: Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C19151
357 pages, (From the author's introduction) "If I have learned anything from this work, it is the simple fact that many of the problems faced by Native Americans today already were widely recognized in the 1800s. We seem to continue through repeated cycles in which issues remain the same and problems rarely are fully resolved. The roots of these challenges lie deep in our national history."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C35849
Pages 333-339 in D. Michael Warren, L. Jan Slikkerveer and David Brokensha (eds.), The cultural dimension of development: indigenous knowledge systems. Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd., London, England. 582 pages.
Online from publisher website., By embracing modern technology and engaging enthusiastic young people, the work of an NGO in Malawi is extending the reach of agricultural extension across the country.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D07336
Pages 273-280 in Anna-Katharina Hornidge and Christoph Antweiler (eds.), Environmental uncertainty and local knowledge: Southeast Asia as a laboratory of global ecological change. Transcript, Bielefeld, Germany. 284 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C35811
Pages 454-457 in D. Michael Warren, L. Jan Slikkerveer and David Brokensha (eds.), The cultural dimension of development: indigenous knowledge systems. Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd., London, England. 582 pages., Perspectives of the Information Centre for Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture.