USA: University of Wisconsin-Extension, Madison, Wisconsin
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 137 Document Number: C20852
six-part series, training materials packet, includes: Content Center Listings, RFD : Media and People Helping People the Hard-to-Reach Disadvantaged Adult, 1-page from RFD project goals, primary audience, program goals and program innovations and accomplishments, RFD Newspaper Articles, Book No. 1, Letters to RFD: Book No. 2, Make it Good, Make it Good poster, Newsletter, Sept. 1971, Newsletter, Dec. 1971, Newsletter, Jan. 1972, Newsletter, March 1972, The RFD Almanac
Describes Polycom, a marriage of speakerphone and video camera used to create interactions of poor, inner-city African-Americans and poor, rural farmers during a political campaign.