Evidence from a longitudinal study stuggests that many agricultural college students lack opinions on soil and water conservation issues. The data also sugges that encounters with conservation issues in the classroom and elsewhere encourage students, especially those with less direct agricultural experience, to learn about and form opinions on conservation.
Ruiz-Carpio, Miguel Rafael (author), Safai, Cyrus (author), Djobo, Arafat (author), Gaichuk, Ivan (author), and Safai, Nick M. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 93 Document Number: D10863
Poster/paper published in proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education annual conference and exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah. 2018, pages 1-15., Motivating, promoting interest in teaching engineering subjects is always a challenge for undergraduate engineering students especially for junior and lower level students. This approach also brought social awareness to members of the group, as well as tolerance and responsibility. It also emphasized to the students a tolerant and an open-minded world, now and forevermore. A group of multinational, multicultural undergraduate students at Salt Lake Community College, majoring in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Computer engineering are working on a project involving vertical farming, hydroponic watering, and making the plant growing process smart.
Food and its availability is of major concern in all nations, especially the underdeveloped communities. Students get exposed to different engineering disciplines, and learn how to work in a multicultural team and become socially responsible in an ever increasing connected world. Each student also becomes a teacher to other students at times discussing his specialty and field of engineering.
10 pages, United States science scores have remained stable over the past 12 years, and as a result secondary school students have been deemed less proficient than international peers. Additionally, there has been increased pressure for accountability from both teachers and students. This highly competitive performance-based classroom environment has threatened student motivation. Due to this, many have moved away from an emphasis on rote memorization and lessened the threat of performance testing by using inquiry and problem solving strategies as a way to provide more autonomy in the classroom. Agricultural education has joined the movement in providing autonomy in the classroom through inquiry-based teaching methods. This study investigates the perceptions of school-based agriscience students toward agriscience and inquiry-based instruction when taught through inquiry-based instruction. The perceptions of 170 secondary agriscience students who responded to the questionnaire indicated more favorable attitudes toward agriscience. Participants also had positive responses to items regarding agriculture’s importance to society, and influence in their daily lives. It is recommended that inquiry-based instruction be utilized in the agriscience classroom to promote student learning and motivation. Further investigations on the impacts of student motivation in the classroom when inquiry-based instruction is utilized in school-based agriscience education should be investigated.