Interational: Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism, Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 166 Document Number: D11693
2 pages., Online from publisher website., Cites trends in lifestyles of sending as little to the landfill as possible and offers ideas for local new coverage of efforts along that line (including those of local grocery stores and restaurants).
Online via UI Library electronic subscription, Authors analyzed why some social movement organizations were more successful than others in gaining media attention. They drew upon organizational survey data from a representative sample of 187 local environmental organizations in North Carolina with complete news coverage of those organizations in 11 major daily newspapers in the state during the two years following the survey.
Beaton, Brian (author), O'Donnell, Susan (author), Perley, Sonja (author), Walmark, Brian (author), Burton, Kevin (author), Sark, Andrew (author), and Centre for Community Networking Research, Monash University, Victoria, Australia.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 178 Document Number: C35677
Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN) Conference 2007, Prato, Italy, November 5-7, 2007. 11 pages.
22 pages, Cambodia’s ruling party cracked down on the press, civil society, and opposition in the lead up to the 2018 national elections. Drawing on interviews with Cambodian journalists who lost their jobs, as well as long-standing research on rural struggles in Cambodia, we argue that the Cambodian state’s crackdown on media is part of an ongoing transformation of authoritarian populism that has reduced the space for rural collective action. The state’s repression and co-optation of media also signals a change in the ruling party’s brand of populist authoritarianism: from simultaneously courting and spreading fear amongst rural voters, to casting rural people aside. The media is a space of both emancipatory and authoritarian potential, and for the journalists who saw themselves as building the post-conflict democratic state, the crackdown signals the loss of a more emancipatory, democratic imaginary. This study contributes to analyses of authoritarianism as practice by drawing attention to the various scales and spaces in which it is produced, enacted, and imagined.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 198 Document Number: D09695
Delmar Hatesohl Collection. Full thesis is located in the University of Missouri Depository. Call number: 378.7 M71 XB3395, Chapter II (pages 10-39)in this thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of a Master of Arts degree, University of Missouri, Columbia. 182 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08863
Pages 15-35 in Ormrod, James S. (ed.), Changing our environment, changing ourselves: nature, labour, knowledge and alienation. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan UK, London. 315 pages.