Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C24916
Bulletin No. 36. Page 2., Six radio stations have formed a broadcasting chain that will send out advertising programs daily, each taking one night each week. "The formation of this group may be significant in indicating a trend in the movement to use radio for advertising purposes, thereby diverting appropriations that otherwise might go into farm papers and other printed media."
Describes a disruption in past sales and marketing approaches related to food, consumers, and agriculture. Offers counsel for training of ag salespeople for the future.
Baker, Lauri M. (author), Boyer, Cheryl R. (author), Peterson, Hikaru Hanawa (author), King, Audrey E.H. (author), and Kansas State University
University of Minnesota, St. Paul
Journal article
Publication Date:
United States: American Society for Horticultural Science
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 11 Document Number: D10334
8 pages., Via online journal., Online, direct selling (ODS) has become the leading way that people acquire goods, with Amazon (Seattle, WA) being the largest online vendor in the United States. This study sought to determine if horticultural businesses were engaging in ODS with Amazon, ebay, and other websites. Researchers examined the ODS activity of 498 businesses using quantitative content analysis methods, and found that 93 horticultural industry businesses were conducting some form of ODS through their websites, but only four offered products on Amazon. Results indicate that ODS remains an untapped marketplace for the horticultural industry, particularly for small, rural businesses.