Australia: Rural Press Limited, North Richmond, New South Wales, Australia
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D06387
The pictorial world of rural Australia. "This book is about the sights of rural Australia: it presents a chronicle of what goes on from the start to end of a typical day beyond the boundaries of the cities where most Australians now live."
Brownson, Ross C. (author), Hagood, Laura (author), Lovegreen, Sarah L. (author), Britton, Betty (author), Caito, Nicole M. (author), Elliott, Michael B. (author), Emery, Jennifer (author), Haire-Joshu, Debra (author), Hicks, Dawn (author), Johnson, Brenda (author), McGill, Janet B. (author), Morton, Sandra (author), Rhodes, Gary (author), Thurman, Tammy (author), and Tune, Debra (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 166 Document Number: C27687
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 1 Document Number: B00153
AgComm Teaching. Hal R. Taylor Collection., Ithaca, NY : Agricultural Experiment Station, Dept. of Rural Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca. 8 p. (Rural Sociology Publication 22)
USA: Oxmoor Press, a subsidiary of The Progressive Farmer Company, Birmingham, Alabama
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D10009
Copy also located in the James F. Evans Collection, 114 pages., An edited collection written to "build something of the spirit that has always pervaded the lives of rural people." Features brief stories, poems, and commentaries. Sections include love of the land, joys of country living, the farmer and his family, creeds for farm living, the soil and growing things, cotton, animal friends, the business of farming, and the lighter side.
search through journal, Although Ghana is mainly an agricultural country, the provision for agricultural information has been inadequate. There is a wide gap between the demand for agricultural information and the supply of data. This paper describes the state of agricultural information provision in Ghana, highlighting on various problems such as the unavailability and production of reliable statistical information; deficiencies in local agricultural information sources and services; and the lack of formal courses on agricultural information at the only library school in the country. Improved methods for disseminating agricultural information in Ghana are discussed. (author)
Pollard, Kelvin (author), Jacobsen, Linda A. (author), and Population Reference Bureau (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
United States: Appalachian Regional Commission
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 205 Document Number: D12620
Journal Title Details:
Includes a series of charts and tables detailing personal computer and cellular ownership statistics for each county in Appalachia., 26 pgs, The data contained in this Chartbook describe how residents in the Appalachian Region were faring before the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020. As such, these numbers do not measure the social and economic impact of the outbreak. The Chartbook data do, however, provide a benchmark: As data from the pandemic and post pandemic period are released in the coming years, these figures can serve as a point of comparison that ultimately can enable data users to better measure the pandemic’s effect on Appalachia’s social and economic dynamics.
Kristjanson, P (author), Place, F (author), Franzel, F (author), Thornton, P.K. (author), and International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya
International Centre for Research on Agroforestry, Nairobi, Kenya
Online journal article
Publication Date:
Kenya: Science Direct
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 109 Document Number: D10958
20 pages, via online journal, In this paper we provide evidence to show that farmers' perspectives on poverty processes and outcomes are critical in the early stages of evaluating impact of agricultural research on poverty. We summarize lessons learned from farmer impact assessment workshops held in five African locations, covering three agro-ecological zones and five different agroforestry and livestock technologies arising from collaborative national–international agricultural research. Poverty alleviation is a process that needs to be understood before impact can be measured. Workshops such as those we describe can help researchers to identify farmers' different ways of managing and using a technology and likely effects, unanticipated impacts, major impacts to pursue in more quantitative studies, the primary links between agricultural technology and poverty, and key conditioning factors affecting adoption and impact that can be used to stratify samples in more formal analyses. Farmer workshops inform other qualitative and quantitative impact assessment methods. We discuss the linkage of farmer-derived information with GIS-based approaches that allow more complete specification of recommendation domains and broader-scale measurement of impact.
Hendricks, J. Thom, ed. (author / Reference Department, North Dakota State Library, Bismarck, ND)
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 92 Document Number: C06698
Paper presented at the 80th Annual Conference of the National Rural Education Association; 1988 September 24-28; Bismarck, ND, Bismarck, ND : North Dakota State Library, 1988. 24 p.
12 pages., The study reported on in this paper investigated smallholder farmers’ access to extension services. The study sought to distinguish the varying degrees of access to services of smallholder farmers engaged in different production systems, that is, home gardening, field cropping, and livestock production. The study was conducted in Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape, specifically in two communities, namely Ngcabasa and Phathikhala villages. Research activities included a survey of 100 farmers as well as focus group discussions. Employing logistic regression analysis, the study aimed to understand what influences whether or not a smallholder farmer accesses extension. The study also used various types of comparative statistics (T-test) to assess the implications of access to extension support, for instance for production and farm income. The main findings of the study were that 68% of the farming households interviewed in Ngcabasa and 71% of those in Phathikhala had access to extension services. Farmers who had access to extension had more farm income in both enterprises compared to those who had no access to extension services. From the regression analysis, farmers who were more likely to receive extension support appeared to be those who were older, those with less education, and those farming with livestock.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 201 Document Number: D11768
Report from Agri-Pulse received online via AgriMarketing Weekly. 6 pages., Report of a letter to Capitol Hill and the White House from a new American Connection Project Broadband Coalition calling for a "robust federal investment in broadband internet connectivity." Letter (attached) signed by 40 ag, tech, and healthcare groups.
9 pages., via online journal, Since 2014, the Chinese government has initiated new-type urbanization under the guidance of ‘the National New-type Urbanization Plan (2014–2020)’, which embarks on a significant transformation of the model of urbanization in post-reform China. To understand the origin and outputs of this policy, this article demonstrates the context of China’s new-type urbanization. The paper proposes a conceptual framework of new-type urbanization, which mainly includes four aspects: humanism, people-oriented urbanization; inclusivism, benefits sharing for urban and rural; sustainability, development without sacrifice of resources and environment; and harmonism, coordination. This is followed by an examination of the case of Anhui province, as a pilot province of China’s new-type urbanization. Anhui has performed a lot of related work to promote citizenization of peasant workers and has made great progress on the reform of the household registration system. The study found that despite a special emphasis on people-oriented urbanization, the pressures and costs of citizenization of peasant workers are growing fast, accompanied by rising housing prices in cities. This insight suggests there are benefits and costs of promoting China’s new-type urbanization. Despite the advantages of institutional innovation, the unexpected side effects such as rapid rising housing prices actually undermine the success of plan implementation.
This article is maintained in the office of the Agricultural Communications Program, University of Illinois > "International" section > "Philippines CARD Group" file folder., Summarizes findings of a case study about effectiveness of news and information posted regularly on chalkboards located in several Philippine villages. The enterprise involved local volunteer staffing.
Fusell, D. (author), Haaland, A. (author), Bhattarai, N. (author), Rayamajhi, S. (author), Bhattarai, T. (author), Kharel, P. (author), Dhungana, K. (author), and Subba, C. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 196 Document Number: D08075
John L. Woods Collection, Report of research among rural residents in Nepal. , joint project of UNICEF and the National Development Service. 21 pages.
Manheim, Jarol B. (author), Pratt, Comelius B. (author), and Pratt: Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA; Manheim: Professor of Political Science and Communication and Director of the Political Communications Program, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: New York : Oxford University Press.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 85 Document Number: C05555
22 pages, via online journal, Past explanations of why rural people respond as they do to external development interventions have emphasized the role of key limiting factors or critical characteristics (wealth, education, land tenure, etc.) which are thought to influence peoples' behavior in predictable ways. Efforts to promote tree planting and soil conservation in eight neighboring villages in the Philippines revealed that variation in participation did not reflect clear patterns based on existing household or village characteristics. Instead, specific responses to interventions reflected a complex, but interpretable interaction between existing socio-economic factors and historic trends or events. Characteristics like the degree of local knowledge, security of land tenure and community cohesion affected peoples' participation, in general, but their specific influence was neither predictable nor consistent between, and even within, individual villages. An appreciation of the specific historic context was often sufficient to explain these variations. The following historic trends and events were found to have important consequences for peoples' participation: migration and settlement history; family and group lineages; history of socio-political organization and conflict; history of physical isolation; labor history; economic–ecological history; environmental history; and past exposure to development agents. The paper concludes with a preliminary checklist of questions intended to assist researchers and development agents to discover relevant and interesting historical information about rural villages.
Case study of an internationally-finded campesino radio station and cultural negotiation in which local interests engage with - and transform - donor-funded content aimed at the local community.
International: MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 114 Document Number: D11015
Chapter in NBER book: Adam B. Jaffe, Josh Lerner and Scott Stern (eds.), Innovation policy and the economy, volume 6, pages 67-90., Author examines sources of consumer surplus that are likely to exist due to the types of sites being used online and points to research that quantifies the consumer gains from use of the Internet. ... Reports that the Internet increases price competition so that consumers pay less for products and improves daily life by increasing the variety, quality and availability of products and information. These gains are particularly useful to people with high transactions costs (busy, rural) and uninformed people. By allowing consumers in rural or sparsely populated areas to share tastes which might be rare in the local population, it particularly benefits consumers who might have more difficulty physically interacting with people of their tastes.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 145 Document Number: D06603
Survey research report from the Pew Research Center. 7 pages., Rural respondents prioritized gun rights (63%) while urban respondents said it is more important to control gun ownership (60%).
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08687
Pages 113-132 in William Ascher and John M. Heffron (eds.), Cultural change and persistence: new perspectives on development. Palgrave McMillan, New YorkCity, New York. 263 pages.
Njoku, Jude E. (author / Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 90 Document Number: C06439
James F. Evans Collection, Morrilton, AR : Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, 1990. 17 p. (African Rural Social Science Series, Research Report Number 10)
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 196 Document Number: D08092
John L. Woods Collection, RB #401 Development Training and Communication Planning, UNDP Asia and Pacific Programme, Bangkok, Thailand. 6 pages. English version.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D06820
Pages 118-133 in Massimo Ragnedda and Glenn W. Muschert (eds.), The digital divide: the internet and social inequalities in international perspective. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, Abingdon, Oxon, UK. 324 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D06823
Pages 297-308 in Massimo Ragnedda and Glenn W. Muschert (eds.), The digital divide: the internet and social inequalities in international perspective. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, Abingdon, Oxon, UK. 324 pages.
Via online UI subscription, Recent research suggests that Internet usage can positively influence social capital in
rural communities by fostering avenues for voluntary participation and creating social
networks. Most of this research has examined whether Internet use is associated
with participation in local organizations and social networks but not the means by
which residents use the technology to learn about local activities. To address this
gap in the literature, the authors use a mixed-methods approach in an isolated rural
region of the western United States to evaluate how residents use their connections
to maintain local social networks and learn about local community events and
organizations. The authors show that Internet usage can play an important role in
building social capital in rural communities, thus extending the systemic model of rural
voluntary participation and community attachment. Implications for rural community
development are addressed.
Mobile phone not enhancing the lives of rural people in these villages as may have been envisioned. They used it more for social communication than for enhancing household incomes.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 93 Document Number: C06962
In: Proceedings of the VIth World Conference on Animal Production, Helsinki 1988. Helsinki, Finland : Finnish Animal Breeding Association, 1988. p. 258
Breazeale, Don (author) and Khezerloo, Behrooz (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 152 Document Number: C24584
Journal Title Details:
Reviewed 9 August 2006, 9 p. Paper presented at the International Agricultural and Extension Education group's 21st annual conference May 25-31, 2005, in San Antonio, TX
Allen, John C. (author), Cordes, Sam (author), Smith, Amy M. (author), Spilker, Matt (author), Hamilton, Amber (author), and The Center for Rural Community Revitalization and Development
Research report
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C29239
Posted online at
15 pages, Background
In traditional food systems, especially those of rural populations around the world, wild food plants remain crucial. These resources need to be urgently documented to lay the foundations for sustainable livelihoods and food security.
In the present field study, we gathered information about wild food plants and mushrooms consumed by four ethnic groups (Turis, Khushis, Hazaras, and Christians) living in Kurram District, NW Pakistan, by conducting semi-structured interviews and holding group discussions.
A total of 57 wild edible plants and mushrooms were reported, with the documented taxa belonging to 50 genera and 34 families. Turis reported the highest number of wild food plants (41), followed by Hazaras (37), Khushis (35), and then Christians, who reported only 11 plants. The most dominant families were Rosaceae, followed by Polygonaceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Moraceae, and Plantaginaceae. The comparative analysis we conducted with the pre-existing Pakistani ethnobotanical studies revealed that 23 wild edible plants have not been previously reported as food items in the area under study, which included Fragaria nubicola, Lepidium draba, Pinus wallichiana, Podophyllum emodi, Prunus jacquemontii, Sambucus nigra, Sideroxylon mascatense, and Thymus linearis. Four wild edible mushrooms are also reported for the area for the first time: Calvatia gigantea, Morchella esculenta, Pisolithus albus, and Tulostoma squamosum. The cross-cultural analysis of wild edible plants and their uses revealed remarkable similarity between Khushis and Hazaras. The overlapping pattern of wild edible plant use among these two groups, as well as Turis, confirms the existence of cross-cultural interactions among these communities, which have shared the same environmental and socio-cultural space for several decades. Food heritage and some unique dishes are linked to wild edible plants in the area, such as Zamda, prepared by Turis, and Saba, famous among Khushis and Hazaras.
This study suggests that some wild edible plants could be cultivated to protect a few threatened species from overexploitation, while the overall wild food plant heritage should be promoted and revitalized; for example, within educational platforms aimed at improving the wellbeing of local communities and the global ecological transition we must deal with.
17 pages., Via open source journal., The rural farmers in western Rajasthan State are uneducated and most of the applications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) are demonstrated and run in the English Language. The majority of these rural farmers who are illiterates with a very low level of understanding of the English Language find it difficult to take advantage of the availability of ICT to facilitate their access to information for their farm businesses. This study examined the role of ICT in enhancing the farmers’ access to production and marketing information in western Rajasthan State in India. Primary data was collected from 133 farmers consisting of 71 ICT users and 62 Non-ICT users through questionnaire administration. The results of the Analysis of Variance test regarding the farmers’ access to different types of production and marketing information revealed that the user type (i.e., ICT versus Non-ICT user) significantly explains the differences in farmers’ access to the different types of marketing and production information. These results are consistent with the empirical results of the student’s t-test that farmers’ access to different types of production and marketing information from ICT sources is significantly higher than from Non-ICT sources. Consistently, the empirical results of the multiple regressions revealed that the percentage of production and marketing information obtained from ICT sources had positive significant influence on the farmers’ access to marketing and production information; and that the percentage of marketing and production information obtained from Non-ICT sources had negative significant influence on the farmers’ access to marketing and production information. These results suggest that ICT sources of marketing and production information play a crucial role in the farmers’ access to this information for their business operations. The implication is that proper education and training of farmers (especially the female farmers) about the utilization of ICT sources to accelerate access to information is crucial
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 69 Document Number: C02904
James F. Evans Collection. Delmar Hatesohl Collection., Rome, Italy : United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization, Information Division, 1987. 30 p.
Crile, L. (author), Reist, H.N. (author), and Tait, E.B. (author)
Research summary
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08632
Located in Review of Extension Studies, volumes for 1946-1956, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., Summary of research report. U.S. Federal Extension Service, Washington, D.C. Extension Service Circular 496. 32 pages.
USA: Federal Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08921
Page 11 in Lucinda Crile, Review of Extension Studies - January to June 1950, Extension Service Circular 470, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. July 1950. Summary of findings from analytic studies of four phases of extension work in Colorado, Colorado Agriculture College Extension, Fort Collins. 1950. 12 pages., Includes analysis of changes in older youth activities by agricultural and home Extension workers during that period.
25 pages., via online journal, Rural internet use, although still limited, is growing, raising the question of how rural people are using social media politically. As a vehicle of communication that permits the rapid transmission of information, images and text across space and connections between dispersed networks of individuals, does technological advance in rural areas presage significant political transformations? This article investigates this question in the light of a poor result for the Cambodian People’s Party in the 2013 elections, and the subsequent banning of the main opposition party, before the 2018 elections. Expanding internet use in rural areas has linked relatively quiescent rural Cambodians for the first time to networks of information about militant urban movements of the poor. Rural Cambodians are responding to this opportunity through strategies of quiet encroachment in cyberspace. This has had real effects on the nature of the relationship between the dominant party and the rural population and suggests the declining utility of the election-winning strategy used by the party since 1993. However, the extent of this virtual information revolution is limited, since neither the urban nor rural poor are mapping out new online political strategies, agendas or identities that can push Cambodia’s sclerotic politics in new directions.
13 pages, via online journal, In recent years there has been a great deal of interest in farming systems research (FSR) as a means of getting formal research and extension systems to work with and respond to the needs of resource-poor farmers. However, the results of many FSR programmes have been disappointing. This paper reviews a number of ‘successful’ FSR activities and argues that the development and use of research approaches and methods cannot be separated from the political, economic and institutional context in which they were developed and used. A closer examination of some of the new FSR methods shows that an understanding of the specific context in which these activities were developed and used is essential to understanding the potential relevance of the methods/approaches to other circumstances. A lack of an historical perspective concerning the source and advocacy of new FSR approaches and methods is one of the reasons why many FSR programmes in the past have given rise to disappointing results.
USA: Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 201 Document Number: D11767
Full FCC report at, Via online from publisher. 2 pages., "Report to Congress important building block for national broadband plan"
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 201 Document Number: D11769
Online from BroadbandNow, a registered trademark of Centerfield BBN LLC. 3 pages., Whereas the FCC reports that broadband is unavailable to 21.3 million Americans, BroadbandNow Research analyzed FCC Form 477 data and estimated that 42 million Americans do not have the ability to purchase broadband internet. This is an additional 6.5 percent of Americans beyond FCC estimates.
9 pages, The article investigates whether the social network based program (SNP) in villages can encourage learning and adoption of a relatively new cash crop, cotton, to female heads of households. It explains how social network based training program had more significant effects on yields for the poorest performing farmers than the standard training program, and proves that SNP can increase productivity up to 50 percent for farmers producing at the average yield of production.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08680
Pages 33-50 in Fred Magdoff and Brian Tokar (eds.), Agriculture and food in crisis: conflict, resistance and renewal. Monthly Review Press, New York City, New York. 348 pages.
14 pages., Online via Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)., Authors tested label effectiveness involving "supermarket shoppers on a rural American Indian reservation." Results showed added value and willingness to pay through tailoring the label to the local community.
8 pages., via online journal., Documents fragmentation of an existing information-sharing network. Authors recommend broadening diversity in stakeholder engagement to enhance the information flow for dissemination and diffusion in practice.