Via online issue. 3 pages., Report on Wendell Berry's remarks for the 2012 Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Speaker suggests appreciating the word "economy" for its original meaning of "household management. ... I mean, not economics, but economy, the making of the human household upon the earth; the arts of adapting kindly the many human households to the earth's many ecosystems and human neighborhoods. This is the economy that the most public and influential economists never talk about, the economy that is the primary vocation and responsibility of every one of us."
UI electronic subscription, Author analyzes the history, methods and impact of a radio program, "We say what we think," produced by a group of Dane County rural women during this period. Offers perspectives on how the Extension Service encouraged domesticity as the role of rural women. "Linking domesticity to the trope of progress in this way kept rural women from discussing the changes taking place around them." Author also comments on marginalization of rural sociology as a discipline in the academy.
Department of Agricultural Journalism, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 159 Document Number: C26022
23 pages., Series of public service advertisements for local banks to use to help develop farms and farming in their communities. Individual ads involve use of pasture lands, dairy feeding, soil building and weed control.