USA: Highway Traffic Safety Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 194 Document Number: D07249
Hal R. Taylor Collection, Approximately 3 minutes., FTV-104 educational film featuring risky intersections of rural roads. A resource used in the Communication Training Program of the National Project in Agricultural Communications (NPAC), headquartered at Michigan State University, East Lansing.
18 pages, via online journal article, Blue Bell Creameries faced an unprecedented situation when it pulled all of its products during a Listeria outbreak in 2015. Despite a very public crisis that resulted in three deaths, Blue Bell survived the disaster and maintained a large and loyal customer base. A content analysis of the Blue Bell Ice Cream Facebook page was conducted to evaluate Blue Bell’s public communications, and its followers’ public reactions to the Facebook communication during the crisis. Results indicated that Blue Bell primarily posted messages that included recall and restocking information, thankfulness to stakeholders, and details about improvements to food safety during the crisis. These messages created a sense of transparency, which can increase customers’ trust and brand loyalty. Their consumers largely responded with comments containing overwhelming loyalty themes as well as questions and messages of thanks. Recommendations for agri-food companies include operating transparently before, during, and after a crisis. Organizations should follow Blue Bell’s example and avoid publishing messages that include attacks, denial, scapegoating, or excuses during a crisis.
Fischbacher-Smith, Denis (author), Irwin, Alan (author), and Fischbacher-Smith, Moira (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D07363
Pages 23-38 in Peter Bennett, Kenneth Calman, Sarah Curtis and Denis Fischbacher-Smith (eds.). Risk communication and public health. Second edition. Osvord University Press, Oxford, England. 339 pages.
Online from publisher., Author observes how the U.S. Bureau of Land Management is losing sight of the traditional mission of maintaining public lands and passing them intact to the next generation. "The BLM's mission is not ideological and does no give preference to certain land users. Its legal mandate calls for managing public lands for a variety of uses, treating energy generation and conservation equally. But now, the agency is losing sight of that mission."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 148 Document Number: C23595
Via U.S. Newswire. 2 pages., Cites results of a national survey indicating the extent to which Americans are concerned about the threat of avian flu and its potential effect on the economy.