Presentation by R. W. Trullinger, chief of the office of experiment stations and assistant research administrator of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, at 1950 AAACE conference. Calls for AAACE to become a stronger professional organization and urges development of strong agricultural journalism training programs. "Has your group gone on record urging the Association to increase opportunities for professional agricultural journalism?" "There must be a basic reason why the editorial departments are so frequently assigned quarters in the basement or attic; why the editor so often has to take on nondescript chores ranging from the duties of janitor to teaching English."
Brief summary of a talk by J.T. Jardine, Chief, Office of Experiment Stations, U.S. Department of Agriculture, at 1931 AAACE convention, Corvallis, Oregon. American Association of Agricultural College Editors.
Poem highlighting the problematic focus, incentives and effectiveness of farming systems research by universities and experiment stations around the world.