Content analysis of newspaper and television coverage provides an overview, for the first time, of the frequency, depth and range of coverage of agricultural issues in the Swiss media in 2004. Authors observe that "it may be concluded that media coverage of farming issues is somewhat superficial."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D02271
Pages 236-248 in Keya Acharya and Frederick Noronha (eds.), The green pen: environmental journalism in India and South Asia. Sage Publications India, New Delhi. 303 pages.
Kroupa, E.A. (author), Walker, D.K. (author), and Dept of Agricultural Journalism, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Dept of Agricultural Journalism, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 10 Document Number: B01397
AgComm Teaching. Eugene A. Kroupa Collection., Madison, WI: Wisconsin Experiment Station, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 10pp (Research Report R2625)
Cites results of an IFAJ survey indicating the involvement of women in agricultural journalism, internationally, and participation of agricultural public relations professionals and communicators as well as agricultural journalists.