Summary of changes associated with the 100-year history of the American Agricultural Editors' Association, as well as future challenges and opportunities.
Describes a USDA bulletin in which the scientist(s) didn't write it, but rather a writer who "obtained material from many specialists, and worked it into a synthesis for a particular purpose."
Retrieved 11/01/2006, Charleston Newspapers, via LexisNexis Academic. 3 pages., Author, publisher of the Anniston Star (Alabama), speaks about the role and worth of the community newspaper.
Hayden, Victor F. (author) and Agricultural Publishers Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36832
Agricultural Publishers Association Records, Series No. 8/3/80, Box 11, 2 pages., Executive secretary reports that Association farm papers in 1930 had a gross commercial lineage revenue of $11,268,390.36. Announces reduction in assessment.
Reprinted editorial from Farm, Stock and Home. Recounts the dangers of withholding advertising because a marketer does not happen to like a certain article or editorial in a paper. "If this attitude of mind becomes general and advertising is distributed to the trimmers or the silent publications the public will be under the necessity of paying something like a reasonable price for publications that dare to be alive and vital. Perhaps that would be more satisfactory all around, for if an editor must write with both eyes on the advertisers, it's a long farewell to social, economic and moral progress."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36895
Agricultural Publishers Association Records, Series No. 8/3/80, Box 23, Page 7, Minutes of APA membership meeting, San Francisco, California, November 11, 1987., Members note reports from editors about increasing pressure from advertisers to influence editorial material. Suggested that publishers exchange information when this happens.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C22491
Agricultural Publishers Association Record, Jul 1, 1921 - Jan 1, 1922, Series No. 8/3/80, Box 4, University of Illinois Archives., Special Bulletin - Agricultural Publishers Association. 3 pages., Extracts of correspondence between APA and the Farm Press Committee of the American Association of Advertising Agencies about advertising rates in farm papers.
AAEA members, their publications and advertisers are showing signs of strengthening the role of editorial independence in today's commercial environment.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36842
Agricultural Publishers Association Records, Series No. 8/3/80, Box 12, Page 2, Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Agricultural Publishers Association, Chicago, Illinois, October 18, 1933., A director, W.G. Campbell, calls attention to conflicting statements about the age of APA. Cites an unbroken succession from the Corn Belt Association and the Farm Press Club, an existence of about 30 years.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C24819
Journal Title Details:
: 2-3
Weekly Bulletin No. 107., "One of the most troublesome features of the advertising business today, especially in the agricultural field, is the ease with which some publishers extend recognition" to advertising agencies. Calls for advertising agencies to handle this themselves, through a general clearinghouse.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36847
Agricultural Publishers Association Records, Series No. 8/3/80, Box 12, 4 pages., Discussion copy for a plan to revise the Association's system of agency relations.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36813
Agricultural Publishers Association Records, Series No. 8/3/80, Box 9, Printed on back side of APA stationery. 1 page., Lists 38 member publications with a combined audited circulation of more than 7,000,000 per issue.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36825
Agricultural Publishers Association Records, Series No. 8/3/80, Box 10, Printed on back side of APA letterhead. 1 page., Reports 31 member periodicals with combined audited circulation of more than 7,500,000 per issue.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C24822
Listed on the back side of APA stationery. 1 page., Lists 49 member periodicals and reports a combined audited circulation of more than 8,211,579 per issue.
Announces formation of the Agricultural Publishers' Association by 60 publishers of agricultural papers, all members of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Burridge D. Butler, Prairie Farmer, was announced as president.
Agricultural Publishers Association Archives, Describes the content of an approaching short course, guided by suggestions from advertising agency representatives about topics of most interest.
Reports that as farm magazines of national circulation restricted their circulations the U.S. Department of Agriculture encouraged members of Congress to find a way to remove the excessive burden of increased second-class postal rates from the shoulders of the farm publishers. "This branch of the government, be it realized, has been dependent upon the national farm journals to carry on some of the most important phases of its educational work."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C24900
Bulletin No. 4. Page 2., The Modern Business Text of the Alexander Hamilton Institute, a course in business that is studied by thousands of people, carries a complimentary reference to farm papers for taking "an advanced stand for honest advertising."
Nash, E.C. (author) and Agricultural Publishers Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36970
Agricultural Publishers Association Records, Series No. 8/3/80, Box 17, News Bulletin No. 10. 2 pages., Statement from APA invited by the School of Journalism, State University of Iowa. To be part of a time capsule buried under the lobby floor of the Communications Center and intended for an audience assembled in 2053 about American journalism in 1953. Accompanying correspondence. Statement includes a summary of the mission of APA.