Goerlich, Daniel L. (author), Munsell, John F. (author), Boyd, Heather H. (author), Moeltner, Klaus (author), and Virginia Cooperative Extension
Virginia Tech
University of Notre Dame
Online journal article
Publication Date:
United States: Extension Journal, Inc.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 124 Document Number: D11233
5 pages, via online journal, Cooperative Extension produces public value through educational programming that benefits the greater community. Forests provide numerous valuable benefits to society through the provision of ecosystem services. Cooperative Extension educational programming positively affects forest owners, who, in turn, conduct actions that enhance ecosystem services. An understudied relationship exists between Cooperative Extension and ecosystem services that can be drawn on to document Extension's public value. Applying ecosystem services values to Extension natural resources–related programmatic outcomes through benefit transfer provides an avenue through which Extension can potentially make significant advancements in monetizing its public value.
12 pages, Extension program participants tell story after story of the impact of Cooperative Extension on their lives, their families, and their businesses. Despite huge amounts of qualitative data, very little quantitative data exist showing the aggregated public value of Extension programs—especially across program areas. The lack of data leaves Extension administrators high and dry when they are asked to show public value, a circumstance sometimes resulting in reductions in human and financial resources. A simple, yet powerful Extension public value instrument was developed and used in Georgia along with analysis methods designed to showcase the short-, medium-, and long-term impacts of Extension programs.
USA: Illinois Extension, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12018
Online from Illinois Extension website. 3 pages., Summary of findings from an analysis of the impact of Illinois Extension, the public outreach and engagement arm of the University of Illinois. The report valued the annual economic and functional benefits of Illinois Extension at over $603 million, about 10 times the $60.9 million annual budget of the university unit.