Moser, Bob (author / Director, Ohio Cooperative Extension Service, Ohio State University)
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Wooster, OH : College of Agriculture, Ohio Cooperative Extension Service, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center,Ohio State University.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 87 Document Number: C05801
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D02287
Pages 267-277 in Brian Ilbery, Quentin Chiotti and Timothy Rickard (eds.) Agricultural restructuring and sustainability: a geographical perspective. CAB International, Oxon, UK. 348 pages.
Andrew, Chandra L. (author) and Tarleton State University
Publication Date:
Ann Arbor: ProQuest
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 17 Document Number: D10469
326 pages., ISBN: 9781369787863, Via ProQuest Dissertations and Theses., Stufflebeam’s (1969) context, input, process, product (CIPP) model was used to evaluate 11 undergraduate agricultural communication programs. The programs were selected based upon their 2012-2013 membership numbers in the National Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow chapters, with the goal of selecting the universities with the largest undergraduate agricultural communication programs. Research has indicated that regular evaluation is vital to the agricultural industry and the graduates from agricultural communication programs.
The researcher sought to answer the following research questions: 1. How many credit hours does each program require? 2. What categories of courses are offered within the curriculum for an undergraduate agricultural communication degree? 3. What are the expected topics students should receive in each category? 4. What is the degree productivity of each undergraduate degree or concentration in agricultural communication over a five-year timespan?
The context portion of the study was the history of agricultural communication. The input construct of the model was the characteristics of undergraduate agricultural communication programs. The process portion of the model was the traditional programs’ coursework offered in the programs. Finally, the product construct was the topics required by graduates.
The evaluation identified 28 categories of coursework that occurred in the undergraduate agricultural communication curriculum of the 11 selected universities. The frequency of categories occurring at each university ranged from a high of 11 to a low of three. Topics varied depending upon category, but overlap of topics did occur among categories. The overlap indicates that faculty are striving to encompass multiple topics within their offered courses’ framework.
Finally, all programs had increased their number of graduates in a five-year timespan. With the exception of one program, all remaining programs expected enrollment to continue to increase in the future.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08868
Pages 215-256 in Ormrod, James S. (ed.), Changing our environment, changing ourselves: nature, labour, knowledge and alienation. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan UK, London. 315 pages.
21 pages., Via online journal., This project is an examination of how strategies for innovation in fertilizer application are communicated to agricultural communities. Specifically, this project examines the 4R Nutrient Stewardship Program‒a public communication campaign seeking to encourage the use of specific strategies, tools, and best practices in fertilizer application. The campaign is advanced by the Fertilizer Institute, an industry trade association, and targets local agricultural communities within the United States. To understand how this campaign functions to encourage adoption of innovative fertilizer application behaviors, this project draws on the principles of diffusion of innovations theory as well as established concepts within public relations, including issues management.
Knight, Thomas O. (author), Kubiak, Kathryn A. (author), and Knight: Assistant professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, TX; Kubiak: Graduate research assistant, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, TX
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 84 Document Number: C05350
AGRICOLA IND 88021937, Abstract: Extension economists in many states develop decision aids to assist agricultural producers in evaluating farm participation. It is important that these analytical procedures yield reliable results. Consistency among procedures is also important when they are used in formulating competitive bids for programs like the Dairy Termination Program. Seven Dairy Termination Program break-even bid procedures are examined. The results show that the analytical approaches are conceptually quite different and that numerical results derived for an example farm are inconsistent.
Article first online: 18 July 2017, Via online journal., Farm to school programs have been positioned as interventions that can support goals of the global food sovereignty movement, including strengthening local food production systems, improving food access and food justice for urban populations, and reducing distancing between producers and consumers. However, there has been little assessment of how and to what extent farm to school programs can actually function as a mechanism leading to the achievement of food sovereignty. As implemented in North America, farm to school programs encompass activities not only related to school food procurement, but also to the development of student knowledge and skills under the framework of food literacy. Research on farm to school initiatives has largely been conducted in countries with government-supported national school feeding programs; this study examines farm to school organizing in Canada, where there is no national student nutrition program. Using qualitative fieldwork and document analysis, we investigate the farm to school movement in British Columbia, in a context where civil society concerns related to education and health have been the main vectors of farm to school mobilization. Our analysis suggests that, despite limited institutional infrastructure for school meals, the British Columbia farm to school movement has contributed toward realizing goals of food sovereignty through two main mechanisms: advocacy for institutional procurement of local and sustainable foods and mobilizing food literacy for increased public engagement with issues of social justice and equity in food systems.
Available online at, Four factors and three farmer groups were identified which significantly differed regarding their attitudes towards animal welfare programs and willingness to participate in them. Authors cited evidence of need to design tailor-made strategies for communicating with farmers about this subject.
Park, Sin-Ae (author), Cho, Moon-Kyoung (author), Yoo, Mung Hwa (author), Kim, Soo-Yun (author), Im, Eun-Ae (author), Song, Jong-Eun (author), Lee, Jin-Cheol (author), Jun, In Gun (author), and Konkuk University
Heavenly Brain Reactivation Institute
Horticultural Therapy Rehabilitation and Education Center
Agricultural Technology Service Center of Incheon
Journal article
Publication Date:
South Korea: American Society for Horticultural Science
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 16 Document Number: D10450
8 pages., Via online journal., The objectives of this study were to examine the effects of a horticultural activity program on the emotional intelligence, prosocial behavior, and scientific investigation abilities and attitudes of kindergarteners. A total of 336 children aged 5 to 7 years in public and private kindergartens and day care centers in Incheon, South Korea, participated in a 24-session horticultural activity program. This program included indoor and outdoor activities such as planting seeds, transplanting plants, making and applying eco-friendly fertilizer, watering, harvesting, using plants to make crafts, and cooking with produce. It was designed to improve the emotional intelligence, prosocial behavior, and scientific investigation abilities and attitudes of kindergarteners. Each session lasted an average of 50 minutes and was held once per week. The results of the study showed that the 24-session horticultural activity program improved the emotional intelligence, prosocial behavior, and scientific investigation abilities and attitudes of the children (P < 0.05). Satisfaction with the program was very high among both the children and their teachers and parents. Future studies should consider exploring the effects of horticultural activity programs on children in different age groups.
Evans, J. (author), Thomas, S.A.J. (author), and Weidert, J.F. (author)
Research report
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 4 Document Number: B00340
Journal Title Details:
AgComm Teaching, Urbana, IL: Extension Editorial Office, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois. 12 pp (Agricultural Communications Research Report 18)
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 196 Document Number: D08095
John L. Woods Collection, NPF #501. Involves projects of the United Nations Development Programme and United Nations Population Fund. Published by Development Training and Communication Planning, UNDP Asia and Pacific Programme, Bangkok, Thailand. 6 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 116 Document Number: C11785
Francis C. Byrnes Collection, Proceedings of the 13th annual conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Arlington, Virginia, April 3-5, 1997.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08842
Pages 126-140 in Dawson, Julie C. and Morales, Alfonso (eds.), Cities of farmers: urban agricultural practices and processes. United States: University of Iowa Press, Iowa City. 333 pages.
4 pages, A family-skills program for Latino fathers and youth was implemented to prevent youth obesity. Lessons learned focused on practices to address barriers to engagement and retention among fathers and youth within the Latino community. Program development issues included selection of organizations, facilitators, language, and delivery methods. Implementation issues included timing and location. Cultural issues regarding learner needs, and teaching and implementation methods need to be considered. Using the lessons learned, Extension professionals can create impactful programs that engage and retain Latino fathers and youth.
15 pages, Food security and agricultural-led industrialisation are pivotal development objectives in Ethiopia. One of the main challenges this country faces is increasing agricultural productivity by integrating smallholder farmers into a high-value agricultural commodity supply chain. This paper examines an integrated project—the Agricultural Value Chains Project in Oromia (AVCPO)—that aims to improve the livelihoods of smallholders in the Bale Zone by involving them in the production of high-quality durum wheat and linking them to the pasta industry via farmers’ cooperatives. Using primary data collected in 2014 and retrospective information, this paper investigates the AVCPO’s effects on the quantity of cereal production, the share of cereals that have been sold through cooperatives, food security, and education. In order to account for potential violations of the exclusion restriction assumption, an instrumental variable approach is applied, together with three additional estimation strategies.
The results suggest that the project has had a large and positive effect on gross and net values of cereal production per hectare, as well as on the share of production sold to pasta makers through cooperatives. These benefits accrue equally to land-rich and land-poor farmers. Furthermore, our analysis suggests that the AVCPO has improved educational outcomes and reduced food insecurity, without affecting crop rotation practices. Overall, our findings point to the effectiveness of the project. Before replicating or scaling up this intervention, however, it is necessary to understand how to better involve poorer farmers and which adjustments are needed if the areas selected have a lower potential than Bale Zone.