Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: KerryByrnes3 Document Number: D09163
Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, title in spanish: "Adelante Hacia El Pasado" movilizando el sector privado peruano por la fundacion de estacion experimental agricola (fundexa): Impedimentos c;aves y opciones para accion.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: KerryByrnes3 Document Number: D09146
Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, Agriculture and rural development technical services project
AID/LAC/DR/RD, Chemonics international, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
INTERPAKS, Examines the nature and extent of different extension services available to farmers in Punjab state (1974-5) as well as the impact of extension inputs on productivity in agriculture. The design of the study was multi-stage stratified random sampling with weights assigned to different items of extension input (mass media, visits by extension officers, visits to extension agencies, training). On the average, each farmer visited the extension agencies 5.8 times a year, was visited 9.42 times, only 22% of farmers received training, 28% purchased daily newspapers, 86% listened to radio programs for the rural population, and 68% visited the university. Production function analysis was conducted both with and without extension inputs. The regression coefficient of the extension input was found to be 0.18 which was significant at the 5% level.
17 pages, The positive spillover impacts of the efficiency of information and communication technology (ICT) and land accessibility as factor inputs to agricultural productivity are well documented in the literature. Furthermore, input-output efficiency as a measurement of factors contributing towards gross production is no exception in this regard. Few studies on agricultural production and ICT at the household level in South Africa show divergent empirical results. This study investigates the effect of information and communication technology (ICT) and land for farming in the context of household food production in South Africa. Household engagement in agricultural activities is proxy for agricultural production, farm land size is a proxy for land accessibility, telephone and internet use are proxies for ICT in this study. Household data of twenty-one thousand, six hundred and one (21,601) households on agricultural activities and ICTs were generated from the existing survey data of General household survey, 2015 by Statistics South Africa. Majority of the households are not engaging in agricultural activities due to no access to land for farming, but more than 80 percent of the households have access to at least one form of ICTs penetration i.e. mobile telephony. The logit regression shows that internet connection in the household have positive and significant impact on household agricultural production but land accessibility is indirectly related and significant to household food production in South Africa. Therefore land accessibility may be a barrier to agricultural activity involvement in South Africa. The study shows that the positive spillover impacts of ICT may not be possible due to lack of access to land for agriculture. Land for farming, CDMA telephony and internet are highly required for agricultural activities in order to promote food production, reduce cost of telecommunications, promoting agricultural research and development via internet accessibility.
12 pages, Conservation Agriculture (CA) has been widely promoted as a pathway to sustainably intensify agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Yet despite decades of promotion, CA uptake in SSA remains sparse with only few analyses of its impacts on farming and rural livelihoods. This study, which focuses on areas in Central Malawi considered to have a relatively high uptake of CA, uses analyses of satellite images, field observations, interviews with farmers, extension workers and other people involved in CA promotion, as well as a household survey, to investigate how CA has been adapted. We find that the three CA principles – (1) continuous minimum tillage, e.g. no-ridging, (2) permanent ground cover, and (3) crop rotation/intercropping – were not practiced as intended. First, one-third of non-ridged land was tilled during the growing season, and half was again ridged in the following season. Second, unless crop residues were added, the soil’s surface of non-ridged plots was usually bare at planting, causing weed control problems, and an increased risk of erosion. Most farmers added large volumes of crop residues to their non-ridged plots. They collected these from the surrounding fields, but this practice severely restricted the size of these plots. Third, crop rotation/intercropping was practiced less when farmers stopped ridging. Thus overall, very few farmers practised all of the three CA principles simultaneously. CA promotion appeared to only increase yields on plots where mulch was added, but this practice is not scalable. CA promotiondoes not seem to have provided substantial benefits for overall farm productivity, labour-savings or soil cons
Agricultural Economics (Amsterdam, Netherlands), The study aims to track adoption of improved chickpea varieties, and assess their on-farm benefits in some remote and backward tribal villages in Gujarat, India, where few newly developed varieties were introduced by a non-government organization. It also determines key factors which were influencing their adoption. The study found that adoption of improved chickpea varieties was gradually increasing by replacing a prominent local variety. Duration of crop maturity, farm size, yield risk, and farmers' experience of growing chickpea crop were significantly influencing their adoption. The on-farm benefits as a result of improved varieties were realized in terms of increased yield levels, higher income and labor productivity, more marketable surplus, price premium and stabilized yields in fluctuating weather. Breeding short duration varieties with stable yield levels under varying weather, and organizing seed multiplication and dissemination in regions, where moisture stress is a problem during maturity of chickpea, are the major suggestions.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 93 Document Number: C06959
In: Proceedings of the VIth World Conference on Animal Production, Helsinki 1988. Helsinki, Finland : Finnish Animal Breeding Association, 1988. p. 255
Quraishi, M.A. (author / Secretary, Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, India) and Secretary, Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, India
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 43 Document Number: B05047
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 95 Document Number: C07405
INTERPAKS, Mimeographed, 1985. 16 p., Outlines the proposed project of the Government of Malawi for agricultural produce marketing. The objectives of the project are to: 1) improve the timeliness and effectiveness of management information; 2) improve export market intelligence and identify alternative market opportunities for existing and new crops; 3) reduce the high degree of crop losses due to inadequate storage infrastructure; 4) improve the operational effectiveness of ADMARC as a produce marketing organization; 5) increase the economic efficiency of produce and farm input transportation; and 6) improve the monitoring and evaluation of the ADMARC investments and operations to rationalize the activities of the corporation.
22 pages, Raising agricultural productivity in developing countries is often said to reduce poverty more than comparable growth arising from other sectors. This claim has frequently been based on casual theorising, rather than empirical evidence. Productivity growth generates additional income and must benefit someone, though not necessarily the poor. It is conceivable that most, or even all of the benefits might go to others. Using region-level data from Thailand, we study the relationship between agricultural productivity growth and rural poverty incidence. The dependent variable for our regression analysis is the annual rate of change in rural poverty incidence at the regional level between the years for which poverty data are available. Agricultural productivity is measured as the annual rate of change in regional total agricultural productivity, covering the same time intervals as the poverty observations, but lagged one calendar year. Other control variables include regional non-agricultural incomes and the real price of food. The estimated coefficient on the change in agricultural productivity is negative and highly significant, implying that agricultural productivity growth does reduce rural poverty, holding other variables constant, though not more so than non-agricultural sources of income growth. The poverty-reducing contribution of recent agricultural productivity growth has been small. The poverty-reducing effects of long-term drivers of agricultural productivity growth are also analysed, using simulations based on the estimated model.
Fliegel, Frederick C. (author), Kivlin, Joseph E. (author), and Shingi, Prakash M. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 43 Document Number: B05226
INTERPAKS, Urbana, IL: Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Illinois, 1979. (Staff paper, series S, rural sociology no. 79 S-12). 29 p., Examines the long-run effects on the diffusion of agricultural innovations, especially a key question in adoption and development research: Does a higher level of adoption of improved technology contribute to greater or lesser equality in distribution of social and economic "rewards" over time? Examination of this question is based on data drawn from interviews with 228 farm operators in Maharashtra, India. The first interview took place in 1967 and the follow-up interview in 1973. Analysis is focused on changes in equality of reward distribution among them over the six years. Results of the data indicate increased inequality in volume of production over the six years, not necessarily attributable to differences in utilization of agricultural technology. Inequalities in material well-being have decreased. Concludes that for this sample, and in the absence of radically improved production technology, the impact of induced change in production inputs and practices is such as to decrease the inequality in rewards over time. Analysis also covers access to information through extension contact and the mass media.
Gnaegy Suzanna (author / Winrock International) and Anderson, Jock R. (author / Winrock International)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 114 Document Number: D11012
World Bank Discussion Paper 126. Washington, D.C. 158 pages., Studies from a workshop. Includes evidence that research and extension had contributed to a decline in agricultural production. "There is a broad consensus about the many factors that have contributed to failures to boost land and labor productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa. Both technological options and agroecological and socioeconomic circumstances in this vast region are diverse, thus creating a complex matrix of impacts and explanations. The central explanation is that research and development activities, whether public or private, national or international, have produced innovations that farmers find variously unprofitable, too risky, or impossible to implement in a timely and useful fashion. These problems lead, in turn, to often declining agricultural productivity and a deteriorating agricultural resource base, particularly of soil and forest resources. Stepping back further from the farmers themselves to the institutions that are supposed to have assisted, the difficulties are several including the poor (often irrelevant for resource-poor farmers) siting of much past experimental and testing endeavor, inadequate and temporally inconsistent staff and budget support for national research and extension organizations.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 198 Document Number: D09670
Warwick Economic Research Paper No. 744, Department of Economics, University of Warwick, England. 13 pages., Findings suggest caution in assessing research quality on the basis of journal prestige ratings.
13 pages, Dry cow management practices influence on health, welfare and milk production of cows. Poor farmer–cow relationship and negative attitudes of the farmer on humane practices will reduce cow welfare and overall productivity. In this study, farmers’ attitudes on key dry cow management practices and welfare were observed using a questionnaire in a face to face interview with forty dairy farmers in Kandy District, Sri Lanka. Collected data were statistically analyzed using SPSS version 23.0. The majority of the farmers were men (77.5%), whereas small-scale farming (87.5%) with part-time involvement (72.5%) were noticed. Critical risk factors of dry cow welfare such as no higher satisfaction about the industry (74.3%), poor awareness on concept of animal welfare (10%), hoof caring (42.5%), inspection of teats (10%), and deworming (30%) were identified. Male farmers were better than females in welfare-friendly attitudes for health (P = 0.033) and calving management (P = 0.018). Part-time farmers also had a significant impact on welfare positive attitudes towards calving and health management practices (P = 0.038, P = 0.013 respectively). Considerable percentage of farmers were uncertain on (Health management – 10.8%, Housing management – 18.8%, Feeding management – 15.0%, and Calving management – 5.6%) welfare-friendly routine. Hence, we suggest, further improvement to positive welfare attitudes towards dry cow management should be targeted via proper knowledge dissemination and education programs.
14 pages., Edutainment, the combination of education with entertainment through various media such as television, radio, mobile phone applications and games, is increasingly being used as an approach to stimulate innovation and increase agricultural productivity amongst smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. Shamba Shape Up, a widely publicised makeover reality TV programme, is an example of edutainment that has received considerable attention, and airs in three countries in East Africa where it is estimated to be watched by millions of viewers.
There is no published academic research on the influence of makeover television formats on innovation systems and processes in smallholder agriculture. Using an Agricultural Innovation Systems approach, this paper explores how makeover edutainment is influencing smallholder farmer innovation systems together with the effect this is having on smallholder farms. In the absence of previous research, it articulates a Theory of Change which draws on research traditions from mass communication, agricultural extension and innovation systems.
Data came from two large scale quantitative (n = 9885 and n = 1572) surveys and in-depth participatory qualitative research comprising focus group discussions, participatory budgets, agricultural timelines, case studies and key information interviews in Kenya. An estimated 430,000 farmers in the study area were benefiting from their interaction with the programme through increased income and / or a range of related social benefits including food security, improving household health, diversification of livelihood choices, paying school fees for children and increasing their community standing / social capital.
Participatory research showed SSU enhanced an already rich communication environment and strengthened existing processes of innovation. It helped set the agenda for discussions within farming communities about opportunities for improving smallholder farms, while also giving specific ideas, information and knowledge, all in the context of featured farm families carefully selected so that a wide range of viewers would identify with them and their challenges.
Broadcasts motivated and inspired farmers to improve their own farms through a range of influences including entertainment, strong empathy with the featured host farm families, the way ideas emerged through interaction with credible experts, and importantly through stimulating widespread discussion and interaction amongst and between farmers and communities of experts on agricultural problems, solutions and opportunities. The fact that local extension workers also watched the programmes further enhanced the influence on local innovation systems.
The findings indicate that well designed makeover edutainment can strongly influence agricultural innovation processes and systems resulting in impact on the agricultural production and behaviours of large numbers of smallholder farmers.
2 pages, Monsanto's Barton plant, Luling, Louisiana owns a computer that is literally running the ammonia operation. But it also employs plenty of people - in fact, five more than were there before the fantastic instruments took over. They are also there to monitor the equipment. Once in a while something "baffles" the computer and it takes a little investigation to correct the flaw.
10 pages, This study examined content of YouTube videos on cassava production and processing posted in Nigeria between 2009 and 2019. Purposive sampling method was used in selecting 155 YouTube videos with cassava production and processing contents. Primary data on video source, content, duration, quality, number of views, subscribers, likes, comments, presentation format and year of upload were obtained by watching these videos. Data were analysed using frequency counts, percentages, means, standard deviation. Many (53.5%) of the videos were on processing of cassava, while most (80.0%) of the videos were relatively recent (2014 - 2019). Private individuals (38.7%) and media houses (34.2%) were the main sources of videos on cassava production and processing on YouTube. The major content of the video was on agronomic practices in cassava production (12.9%) and value addition (11.0%). Also, 66.0% of the videos had video description (descriptive texts), 36.8% had mobilizing information while 52.3% had a video quality of 720p. Furthermore, 72.9% of the videos had between 1-to-7-minute runtime and these videos had more likes than dislikes with mean values of 92.8 and 5.6 respectively. The mean number of views, subscribers and comments were 11,138.1, 179,537.6 and 13.6, respectively. The presentation patterns in the videos were in form of news (24.5%) and documentary (20.0%). YouTube videos on cassava production and processing were well viewed with a substantial number of subscribers. More YouTube videos on cassava production and processing should be produced with varied contents by different stakeholders in the agricultural sector.
6 pages, Despite the huge potential for milk production, interventions to improve productivity in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are barely based on specified farm classifications. This study aimed to develop robust and context-specific farm typologies to guide content of extension farm advice/services in Uganda. From a sample of 482 dairy farmers, we collected data on farmer socio-demographics, farm management practices, ownership of farm tools and facilities, willingness to pay for extension services, milk production, and marketing. Farm typologies were obtained based on principal component and cluster analyses. Thereby, of the three dairy production systems that emerged, small-scale, largely subsistence yet extensive and low productive farms were more prominent (82.6%). Farms that were classified as large-scale, less commercialized yet extensive with modest productive systems were more than the medium-scale commercial farms with intensive and highly productive systems. However, the later were considered to potentially transform dairy farming in Uganda. It was also predicted that the validity of our farm classification may persist until half of the farms have moved between clusters. The study gives new insights on dairy production systems in Uganda, which can be used to organize more targeted research on farmers’ extension needs for facilitating delivery of relevant and effective extension services and designing appropriate extension policies
INTERPAKS, Examines the level of significance of extension services and the marginal contribution of extension services to increased agricultural production in Gujarat State (1976-77). In addition, the marginal contributions of extension services are compared for the high and low productivity areas of the state. Results of the regression analysis indicate that extension investment has played a significant role in increasing agricultural production only in the high productivity areas while in the low productivity areas it has played an insignificant and even negative role.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 47 Document Number: B05712
In T. M. Arndt, D. G. Dalrymple, and V. W. Ruttan (Eds.), Resource allocation and productivity in national and international agricultural research. Minneaspolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. 209-236.
21 pages, Despite decades of investment in agricultural extension, technology adoption among farmers and agricultural productivity growth in Sub-Saharan Africa remain slow. Among other shortcomings, extension systems often make recommendations that do not account for price risk or spatial heterogeneity in farmers' growing conditions. However, little is known about the effectiveness of extension approaches for nutrient management that consider these issues. We analyze the impact of farmers' access to site-specific nutrient management recommendations and to information on expected returns, provided through a digital decision support tool, for maize production. We implement a randomized controlled trial among smallholders in the maize belt of northern Nigeria. We use three waves of annual panel data to estimate immediate and longer term effects of two different extension treatments: site-specific recommendations with and without complementary information about variability in output prices and expected returns. We find that site-specific nutrient management recommendations improve fertilizer management practices and maize yields but do not necessarily increase fertilizer use. In addition, we find that recommendations that are accompanied by additional information about variability in expected returns induce larger fertilizer investments that persist beyond the first year. However, the magnitudes of these effects are small: we find only incremental increases in investments and net revenues over two treatment years.
12 pages, via online journal, Since the rice crisis of 2007, the government of Benin has initiated many programmes for rice intensification. Comparison of three rice production areas shows that local rice production has indeed been increased by the facilities provided by the government programmes. Although broadly the same facilities (market outlet, credit, input, etc.) were provided to rice farmers in the three study areas, which are located close to one another, there are not only similar, but also some different outcomes with regard to farmers' practices. There were also some unexpected changes, like the shift from limited collective canal cleaning to individual canal cleaning in Koussin-Lélé and the use of pumps in upland areas in Bamè. The study explores the interplay between these external interventions of government programmes and local actions of farmers to explain the outcomes. Using an actor-oriented perspective, the study concludes that farmers' agency played a critical role in the success of interventions; the changes occurred because of local actions of the farmers and intermediaries interacting with the external interventions at diverse junctures. Differences in strategies for resolving livelihood problems, in production options and biophysical conditions influence farmers' local actions and contribute to the explanation of the diversity of outcomes. The main lesson drawn from this research is that evaluation studies should not consider external interventions as the only or primary source of change. The dynamic interplay between local agency, intermediation and external interventions makes room for change.
18 pages, Based on panel data from the Rural Fixed Point Survey of the Ministry of
Agriculture over the period 2004-2016 and supplementary survey data on information
and communications technology (ICT) applications in the countryside, this paper employs
the difference in differences (DID) method to analyze the effects of ICT applications on
rural households’ agricultural total factor productivity (TFP) with mobile phone signal,
internet and 3G mobile network connections as indicators, and decomposes and evaluates
the constituent factors. Our findings reveal a positive effect of ICTs on rural households’
TFP, which primarily stemmed from rising agricultural technical efficiency. However, ICTs
exerted no significant effect on agricultural technical progress during this paper’s data
period due to limited rural human capital. These findings are consistent with robustness test
results based on counterfactual and matching methods.
27 pages, Precision agriculture, which has existed for over four decades, ensures efficient use of agricultural resources for increased productivity and sustainability with the use of technology. Due to the lingering perception that the adoption of precision agriculture has been slow, this study examines public thoughts on the practice of precision agriculture by employing social media analytics. A machine learning-based social media analytics tool—trained to identify and classify posts using lexicons, emoticons, and emojis—was used to capture sentiments and emotions of social media users towards precision agriculture. The study also validated the drivers and challenges of precision agriculture by comparing extant literature with social media data. By mining online data from January 2010 to December 2019, this research captured over 40,000 posts discussing a myriad of concerns related to the practice. An analysis of these posts uncovered joy as the most predominant emotion, also reflected the prevalence of positive sentiments. Robust regulatory and institutional policies that promote both national and international agenda for PA adoption, and the potential of agricultural technology adoption to result in net-positive job creation were identified as the most prevalent drivers. On the other hand, the cost and complexity of currently available technologies, as well as the need for proper data security and privacy were the most common challenges present in social media dialogue.
AGE 85925422, Data from 358 households in 12 sites representative of climatic, geographical, and agricultural variations in the eastern communal areas of Botswana show that differences in the agricultural practices and extension contact of male- and female-headed households largely disappear when economic stratum is controlled. Female-headed households are shown not to be a homogeneous group. There appear to be greater similarities between farmers within the same economic stratum regardless of gender than between farmers of the same gender in different strata.
Heikkila, Anna-Maija (author), Myyra, Sami (author), and Pietola, Kyosti (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 186 Document Number: D00916
Factor Markets Project, Comparative analysis of factor markets for agriculture across the member states, Working Paper No. 32, European Union. 18 pages.
Hussey, G.A. (author / The Pennsylvania State University, Northeast Computer Institute) and The Pennsylvania State University, Northeast Computer Institute
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 62 Document Number: C02119
James F. Evans Collection; Ovid Bay Collection; Four copies, Washington, D.C. : USDA, 1985. 31 p. (Electronic Technology Task Force Report)
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 47 Document Number: B05713
In T. M. Arndt, D. G. Dalrymple, and V. W. Ruttan (Eds.), Resource allocation and productivity in national and international agricultural research. Minneaspolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. 171-208.
irrigation, INTERPAKS, Examines the role of extension in irrigated agriculture in the Mahi-Kadana Irrigation Project, Gujarat and assesses the overall effects on production levels, Presents a descriptive account of extension activities in the area as well as the methodology and results of an empirical analysis. Results indicate 1) extension makes a positive contribution in agricultural production and irrigated agriculture, in particular; 2) the supporting role of credit is essential; and 3) an increase in extension expenditure by Rs. 1 million would result in a 12 point increase in the aggregate production index.
11 pages, This research aims to examine the relation between farmer organization and welfare using Propensity Score Matching approach. Numerous prior studies have demonstrated that farmers’ involvement in a producer group significantly affects their income levels, efficiency rates, and the adoption of cutting-edge agricultural technologies. However, there have been few studies on salt farming in Madura Island, despite its status as a primary salt producer in Indonesia. This study focused on examining how the participation of salt farmers in farmer groups, specifically known as the “Traditional Salt Business Group” (or Kelompok Usaha Garam Rakyat [KUGAR] in Indonesian), impacts their agricultural income. In this study, the researchers examined primary data collected through interviews with 115 traditional salt farmers on Madura Island, East Java, Indonesia. Logistic regression analysis revealed three independent variables affecting the decisions of salt farmers, specifically farmer’s latest level of education, salt production in the last season, and the number of their family members. Then, employing a Propensity Score Matching (PSM) approach, the study showed a significant income disparity between salt farmers who were KUGAR members and those who are not. Moreover, the level of education emerged as a key determinant influencing salt farmers’ decisions to join KUGAR. Furthermore, the Indonesian government could intervene by encouraging younger salt farmers to join the producer groups to realize benefits, including improvements in the well-being of salt farmers.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 95 Document Number: C07488
cited reference, In: The role of extension services in national development. Lusaka, Zambia: National Council for Scientific Research, May 1984. p. 29-37
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 150 Document Number: C24339
Journal Title Details:
James J. Connors of The Ohio State University edited the proceedings., 12 p. Paper presented at the International Agricultural and Extension Education group's 21st annual conference May 25-31, 2005, in San Antonio, TX
9 pages, This study assessed crop farmers’ willingness to pay for AESs and identified factors influencing their willingness to pay for AESs. Data were collected from 292 randomly selected crop farmers’ households between December 2017 and February 2018 using a questionnaire through face-to-face interviews. Data were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages and Tobit regression model. The study found that 92% of the respondents are willing to pay for AESs. It was also found that farmer’s age, education attainment, farming experience, distance from farm to the nearest important road, income (both farm and nonfarm) and attitude towards AESs are significant determinants of farmers willingness to pay for AESs. The study recommends that these variables be given proper policy consideration by the government and other stakeholders in the design and the implementation of a workable fashion of privatizing extension services for the expected impact of improving extension services and farmers’ productivity hence improved quality of life.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 93 Document Number: C06958
In: Proceedings of the VIth World Conference on Animal Production, Helsinki 1988. Helsinki, Finland : Finnish Animal Breeding Association, 1988. p. 254
Montgomery, Stephanie C. (author), Martin, Robert J. (author), Guppy, Chris (author), Wright, Graeme C. (author), Tighe, Matthew K. (author), and Agronomy and Soil Science, School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England
Online journal article
Publication Date:
Australia: Science Direct
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 106 Document Number: D10937
9 pages, via online journal, Upland farming in Northwest Cambodia has developed rapidly over the last 20 years, with limitations to the plough based system now apparent, including soil degradation and reductions in yield and profitability. A survey was conducted in order to prioritise the main constraints to production, to aid in future research planning, and to identify potential beneficial modifications to the current system. Three hundred and ninety one farmers were interviewed regarding their current farming system constraints, knowledge of conservation agriculture and their future plans in the Districts of Samlout in Battambang Province and Sala Krau in Pailin Province. Perceived major problems in the farming system were extreme climate events such as droughts and heavy rain, declining crop yields, and cash flow shortages, particularly in the pre-monsoon period. This is a plough based farming system, yet 66% of farmers had heard of conservation agriculture, and 59% wanted to learn more about conservation agriculture practices. Two thirds of farmers were interested in how to grow crops in the post-monsoon dry season on residual soil moisture. The survey highlighted opportunities for farmer education and adoption of farming system modifications to improve productivity and sustainability of the farming system in Northwest Cambodia, and assist with climate change adaptation.
Ubbenga, Krista Joy (author) and University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 176 Document Number: C30289
Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois. 145 pages., Results suggest that farmers' yield estimates are fairly accurate.
14 pgs., The provision of farm management decision support and advisory services to insure climate resilient agricultural production systems, especially for subsistence farmers, depends on data on such producers. The main objective of the paper was to generate such data by comparing the status quo regarding dryland, subsistence grain farmers’ perceptions of climate variability, their adaptation strategies and crop productivity. Using a survey questionnaire, the comparison was made across time (2014 and 2017) in selected municipalities of Limpopo province. The findings across time and aggregated for all the different local municipalities investigated were similar regarding respondents’ perceptions of climate variability, adaptation strategies used and crop productivity. The perceptions revealed that respondents were aware of the reality of climate variability and its negative effects on their crop and livestock production, Agricultural productivity amongst extension and non-extension recipients was low, with minimal differences. These findings auger well for the development of common strategies to improve the effectiveness of the support for farm management including climate variability that is provided by the public agricultural extension service to the group of producers in this study to reduce the negative effects of climate variability on their crop productivity. This will eventually help to improve their food security.
Byrnes , Kerry J. (author), Moran, Michael J. (author), Picha, David H. (author), and Smith, Cecil N. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: KerryByrnes3 Document Number: D09147
Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, The United States Agency for International Development Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean Office of Development Resources, Rural Development Division.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 93 Document Number: C06992
AGRICOLA IND 90047157; Paper presented at the 1988 Winter Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, December 13-16, 1988, Chicago, IL., St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 1988. 36 p. (Microfiche Collection fiche no. 88-1606), A key to the adoption of spatially variable or site specific farming methods will be the ability to examine and analyze information. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are computerized systems designed to manage mapped data. A survey of microcomputer based GIS was performed. Nineteen GIS systems were summarized. (original)
12 pages, Development in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is adversely affected by climate variability and change due to the dependence of its economies and livelihoods primarily on rain-fed agriculture. Agro-advisories boost informed decision-making as well as planning of farm activities. The purpose of this study was to characterize the pathways through which farmers receive usable location-specific agro-advisories as well as to evaluate the effect of the socio-economic environment in the access to such information. Data was collected from 400 randomly selected households in lower eastern Kenya in a cross-sectional survey. Multivariate probit regression was used to determine the factors influencing the choice of pathways used in accessing climate change adaptation information. Household socio-economic characteristics that were found to be significant in explaining access to disseminated agro-advisories include phone and radio ownership, level of education, marital status, and farm size among others. Based on these findings a conclusion is made that the socio-economic environment within which information is disseminated is vital in determining those who access information and probably act on it. Additionally, pathways found to be complementary or substitutable give information providers new insights on the channels to use in information dissemination. The study recommends that these factors be considered in efforts geared towards promoting agro-advisory preparation and dissemination to improve adaptation to climate variability and change in dryland areas.
4 pages., Via online journal., Raising the productivity of smallholders
is a necessary condition for increasing incomes and
improving livelihoods among the rural poor in most
developing countries. This increased productivity is
essential to both household food security and to
agriculture-based growth and poverty reduction in the larger
economy. Smallholder productivity is limited by a variety of
constraints including poor soils, unpredictable rainfall,
and imperfect markets, as well as lack of access to
productive resources, financial services, or infrastructure.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) are also
vitally important to commercial and large-scale agriculture,
and to agriculture-related services and infrastructure such
as weather monitoring and irrigation. This note focuses on
the sometimes less-obvious importance of ICT in improving
the information, communication, transaction, and networking
elements of smallholder agriculture in developing countries.
Ainembabzi, John Herbert (author), van Asten, Piet (author), Vanlauwe, Bernard (author), Ouma, Emily (author), Blomme, Guy (author), Birachi, Eliud Abucheli (author), Nguezet, Paul Martin Dontsop (author), Mignouna, Djana Babatima (author), and Manyong, Victor M. (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: International Association of Agricultural Economists
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 164 Document Number: D08258
Mashroofa, Mohamed Majeed (author) and Wathmanel Senevirathne (author)
Conference paper
Publication Date:
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, The Hague, Netherlands.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 84 Document Number: D10847
17 pages., via depository, IFLA Library., Access to information plays crucial role in getting best agricultural products with some other factors such as soil, weather, biochemical products and their application. Several types of information are required by farmers of Sri Lanka for agricultural activities. This study focuses on the relationship of information literacy and the enhanced access to agricultural productivity. Therefore, this research aims to determine the information literacy level of paddy farmers of Ampara district in Sri Lanka in accessing agricultural information and explores how much this support the enhanced agricultural productivity. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select sample paddy farmers of Ampara district. 57 farmers were selected as the sample from all nineteen D.S. divisions of Ampara as three from each division. Survey method was used to collect data for this study. Questionnaire and Interview were used as research instruments. District Officer of Agriculture was interviewed and farmers were administered with questionnaires. Result was analyzed mainly quantitatively by using SPSS and Mini Tab. Qualitative analysis is also carried out. This study resulted that majority respondents preferred verbal communication, print sources and the use of computer and internet is reported poor. Communication gap, poor communication services, lack of libraries, lack of information literacy skills, poor infra structure and inadequate extension services might have caused poor access to information. Department of Agriculture under Central government and Agrarian Services Board under provincial ministry serve to these farmers as much as possible to provide information. However the information received by farmers indicated that it is not to the expected level. Therefore, it is concluded that government and local authorities should develop the existing services, information and communication systems to facilitate the farmers to access relevant information on time in order to gain best agricultural productivity. Though the perception of farmers indicates that they are information literate, facts and information related to format, mode and sources they preferred shows that these farmers are not much skilled on information literacy. This study recommends educating the farmers on access to information. Information Literacy should be taught to the farmers from the grass root level.
30 pages., via online journal., Information communication technology (ICT) and environmental innovation (EI) are
relevant waves of the ongoing technological revolution. We study the
complementarity in innovation adoption to test the research hypothesis that the higher
the diffusion and intensity of usage of ICT and EI, the higher a firm’s productivity
performance might be. However, it is not certain that the use of different innovations
stemming from different innovation paths generates higher productivity. To test our
hypothesis, we use original survey data concerning manufacturing firms in Northeast
Italy including detailed information on both ICT and EI. Empirical evidence shows
that there are still wide margins to improve the integration between EI and ICT in
order to exploit their potential benefits on productivity. The awareness of specific
synergies seems to mainly characterise the heavy polluting firms that are subject to
more stringent environmental constraints, while some trade-offs tend to emerge for
the remaining firms.
14 pages, Price dispersion across markets is common in developing countries. Using novel market and trader-level data, this paper provides estimates of the impact of mobile phones on price dispersion across grain markets in Niger. The introduction of mobile phone service between 2001 and 2006 explains a 10 to 16 percent reduction in grain price dispersion. The effect is stronger for market pairs with higher transport costs. (JEL O13, O33, Q11, Q13)
Azzam, Azzeddine M. (author), Azzam, Sara M. (author), Keele, John W. (author), and Keown, Jeffrey F. (author)
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 93 Document Number: C06963
In: Proceedings of the VIth World Conference on Animal Production, Helsinki 1988. Helsinki, Finland : Finnish Animal Breeding Association, 1988. p. 264
Hayden, Victor F. (author) and Agricultural Publishers Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C36851
Agricultural Publishers Association Records, Series No. 8/3/80, Box 12, Page 2 in Bulletin No. 9., APA executive secretary reports on a recent news item about a newspaper that issued its first annual farm edition in tabloid form, 24 pages. The announcement goes on to say, "The section was handled by the regular staff in about ten days along with other duties." Author recalls the story about the farmer who exhibited an ostrich egg to his hens and told them that, while he wasn't scolding them for their efforts, they might take this as an example and try to do better.
Acharya, B.V. (author / Department of Economics, South Gujarat University, Surat, India) and Department of Economics, South Gujarat University, Surat, India
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 43 Document Number: B05036