Online from periodical. 7 pages., Senior merchandiser of a produce wholesaler reports recent examples of successful events and displays in retail marketing of mushrooms and apples. "So, produce world, what will your customers see next when the curtain rises in your department? Create theater, create opportunity, and create sales!"
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 201 Document Number: D11924
Online from Well-Pict Berries website. 7 pages., Online catalog of resources for retail promotion materials available to food store produce buyers, social media managers and merchandisers.
Online from publication. 1 page., Describes growth of consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables in the U.S., beginning in 1970 with introduction of the popular Miss Chiquita character and follow-up promotional efforts.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 133 Document Number: D11399
9 pages., Online via website., Results of a national survey among U.S. adults suggest that"divides in public opinion over food are encapsulated by how people assess the health effects of two kinds of food: organic and genetically modified (GM) foods. Americans' beliefs about food connect with their personal concerns about the role of food choices in their long term health and well-being."
Online from publication. 2 pages., Identification of produce items cited as problematic and acceptable by the Environmental Working Group. Article indicates that more than 99 percent of produce samples tested for these reports have residue levels that are compliant with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards (which EWG considers insufficient).
7pgs, 12pgs, The Texas citrus industry is threatened by the presence of Mexican fruit fly. The objective of this study was to estimate the economic losses caused by this invasive pest. Economic impact is estimated in terms of loss in revenue and increase in operating costs. Under current quarantined areas and pest management strategies, the Texas citrus industry could experience an annual economic loss of $5.79 million. The analysis was extended to evaluate the economic impact associated with different quarantined area scenarios. This article can be used to increase awareness and adapted to estimate the economic impact of emerging invasive pest outbreaks.
Online from publication. 4 pages., A senior fresh produce merchandiser offers advice about providing orientation and in-service training for professional development of new employees in produce departments of food stores.