Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 125 Document Number: C16945
Pages 135-159 in C.A. Amtmann and Francisco Fernandez M. (eds.), Comunicacion y desarrollo rural. Publicacion del Instituto de Ciencias Historicas y Sociales, Universidad Austral de Chile a traves de su "Programa Centro de Sociologia del Desarrollo Rural." 194 pages.
Tol, Ugo (author), Katalini, Ivan (author), and Vei, Ivka (author)
Publication Date:
Croatia: Wageningen University and Research Centre
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 136 Document Number: C20834
Burton Swanson Collection, from "Integrating multiple landuse for a sustainable future" 15th European Seminar on Extension and Education, Wageningen International Conference Centre, The Netherlands, August 27-31, 2001
15 pages, Agriculture is a significant contributor to the global economy and critical for future food and fibre production. To maximise the industry efficiencies and improve sustainability, a knowledgeable workforce is essential. Today’s school-aged youth will be the next generation agriculture workforce. However, there is concern that today’s youth are more detached from agriculture than ever before, viewing the industry as an unattractive career prospect and possessing low levels of agricultural literacy. Using a qualitative approach, this research presents the results from an open-response survey item asking Australian primary and secondary students to ‘list three words you think of when you hear the word ‘agriculture’’. Focus groups with Australian primary and secondary teachers were also conducted to explore these findings. Overall, students appear to have what can be described as a conventional understanding of agriculture as it relates to traditional farming, particularly animal production. However, students appeared to have a lower level of understanding and perception of the industry in less-traditional settings, including modern careers and the technologies involved. Improved agricultural education in Australia, including both formal and informal programs on possible career paths and technology adoption in the industry is recommended to support knowledge development of the modern sector to attract the next generation workforce.
Crawford, Patricia B. (author), Ritchie, Lorrene D. (author), Martin, Anna C. (author), Rodriguez, Luis (author), Johns, Margaret (author), Lamp, Cathi (author), and Wang, May C. (author)
Online article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 175 Document Number: C30089