"A newspaper mat service now in its third year of use by the Missouri Agricultural Extension Service is believed by the author to be one of the best informational mediums used by the state."
Zazueta, Fedro S. (author), Beck, Howard (author), Xin, Jiannong (author), Halsey, Larry (author), and Fletcher, James (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C24673
Pages 352-358 in Fedro S. Zazueta and Jiannong Xin (eds.), Computers in agriculture: proceedings of the 7th international conference on computers in agriculture, Orlando, Florida, October 26-30, 1998. St. Joseph, Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 999 pages.
Via www.geographical.co.uk, Describes efforts of an award-winning photographer to document negative effects of forestry policy "imported to Lithuania from the European Union."
9 pages., Via online journal., This article reports on an exploratory study designed to measure community leaders’
attitudes toward scenes from working rural landscapes as elicited by photographs
paired with a semantic differential scale. Using this approach it is determined that
age, occupation, knowledge about farm structure, and community size are important
factors shaping the diverse attitudes held by community leaders in rural southern
Illinois. Findings suggest that the position and magnitude of attitude differences
between relevant social groups be examined prior to launching new rural development initiatives.