Posted at, Describes local news coverage in the rural and suburban areas outside Chicago.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C37134
Pages 74-93 in Duncan McGregor, David Simon and Donald Thompson (eds.), The peri-urban interface: approaches to sustainable natural and human resource use. Earthscan, London, England. 336 pages.
Taylor, Jonathan G. (author), Gillette, Shana C. (author), Hodgson, Ronald W. (author), Downing, Judith L. (author), Burns, Michele R. (author), Chavez, Deborah J. (author), and Hogan, John T. (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 146 Document Number: D11574
14 pages., Online from publisher via open access., Researchers studied fire communications during different stages of two wildfires in southern California. Findings revealed that pre-fire communication planning was particularly effective for smaller fire events and parts of that planning proved invaluable for the large fire event as well. Findings also identified information needs of residents.
New programme, "Shamba Shape-Up," explores typical problems encountered by smallholder families on the outskirts of Kenya's towns and cities, then brings in a crack team of experts to sort them out.
WIDCORP (author) and Water and Drylands Collaborative Research Program (WIDCORP).
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 183 Document Number: C36187
From Report No. 1/09. 13 pages., Summary section of a 142-page research report prepared for the Victoria Department of Primary Industries, Medlbourne, Australia.
Conference paper, International European Forum, Innsbruck, Austria, February 5-9, 2018. Pages 271-283 in proceedings published in this journal., The increasing impact due to urban population’s food supply causes a series of negative externalities related to food production, transformation and transportation. FAO and other institutions are trying to integrate traditional models of food supply with alternative ones like Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture (UPA). Defining the drivers that motivate the participation in different types of UPA could be useful to plan more participated and effective UPA development policies. Barcelona (Spain) hosts a number of cases representing different declinations that UPA can assume. This work aims at describing the differences in terms of motivations to enter the various typologies of Urban Agriculture (UA) in Barcelona. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews to 4 groups of users representing 3 of the most widespread models of UA initiatives in Barcelona (Allotment Gardens, Community Gardens, Pla Buits.) The results showed that participation in UA is mainly motivated by relational aspects and knowledge exchange and differences exist among the various UA models. Political reasons are mostly influencing the Community Gardeners while Pla Buits users’ mains motivations are related to socialising and Allotment gardeners are mainly motivated by environmental aspects. Differences in the participants’ demographic characteristics also emerged. Better targeted public policies contents and communication strategies for UPA development can thus be derived by the results obtained; to this end, recommendations have been provided. Further research should broaden the range of case studies and the sample size, in order to provide a more effective and comprehensive tool for tailoring UPA developing strategies to different contexts.