13 pages, Silvopasture is an agroforestry practice that combines trees, forage, and livestock in an intensively managed system. We surveyed landowners and natural resources professionals in Minnesota to determine their perceptions of silvopasture. Although most respondents had heard of silvopasture, few knew a lot about it. We concluded that there is a need for more educational programming that expands the knowledge of and provides technical assistance to landowners and natural resources professionals who want to add silvopasture to their management toolboxes.
Research effort to refine and prioritize recommendations for future extension and pasture management activities, based on a survey among Tasmanian dairy farmers. Findings led to recommendations involving pasture management training, identifying motivating values of farmers, and requirements for ongoing on-farm support.
12 pages, Online via UI Library electronic subscription. Open access to full text., This study concluded that the small to medium-sized tree, Vachellia karroo, commonly known as sweet thorn, had a negative impact on farmers' production, and sheep and cattle owners observed the encroachment of it as a form of land degradation. Pastoralists said the use of fire and bush clearing could be used to mitigate encroachment. Authors suggested providing training and demonstrations that can complement farmers' knowledge.