Via online. 3 pages., Author reports on management of an issue that arose from a proposal to feature Michael Jackson in the Butter Cow display of the Iowa State Fair.
Long, Huey B. (author), Zoller, Dawn (author), and Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing professional and Higher Education, University of Oklahoma, Norman; Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing professional and Higher Education, University of Oklahoma, Norman
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 76 Document Number: C04126
James F. Evans Collection; See C04120 for original; AGRICOLA IND 90027740, This study was designed to determine if the CES teleconference programs were viewed by a broad segment of Oklahoma's population or if the programs appealed only to a certain population segment. Variables include: age, education, income, economic activity, frequency of participation, and program topics. This study's findings indicate that CES teleconference participants in Oklahoma are older, better-educated, and more affluent than the general state population. They're also better-educated, more affluent, and older than the rural population. Viewer preferences indicate that about two-thirds of the desired program topics are nonagricultural. (AGRICOLA)
Butler, Lorna Michael (author), Murray, Helene (author), and Murray: Coordinator, Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN; Butler: Extension Anthropologist, Washington State University, Puyallup, WA
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 97 Document Number: C08026
search through journal, Research and extension personnel are beginning to look for new strategies to involve more farmers and the non-farm public in their programs. Two approaches we have used are whole farm case studies (WFCS) and focus groups. WFCS in Oregon and Washington led to several research and educational programming ideas that are currently being pursued in both states. A focus group to study water quality, nitrate leaching and farming practices in Skagit County, Washington is one outcome of the WFCS process. It is made up of 16 people, including farmers, university personnel, members of environmental groups, and government representatives. We review these two complementary participatory strategies for systems-oriented sustainable agriculture research and education programs. Both have been very useful for building problem-solving partnerships between the land-grant universities and agricultural and environmental constituents in our area. Noteworthy outcomes include: complementary applied on-farm and experiment station research; farming systems analysis; public education; new linkages with environmental and agricultural interest groups; additional grant funds to address identifies priority issues; and interdisciplinary teams that cut across the biological and social sciences and include diverse citizen representation. (original)
July 15 issue via online. 2 pages., Describes how Penton's increased emphasis on being an information service provider rather than business-to-business publisher is prompting a closer look at "investments in non-core businesses like data, events, and elearning."
Online from publisher. 4 pages., Author and current editor in chief of Progressive Farmer magazine describes his journey into agricultural journalism, with special emphasis on his participation in AAEA (1998 president) and the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists. "Why didn't someone warn me? I'm glad they didn't. Otherwise, I never would have joined AAEA or enjoyed the rich rewards of friendships from ag communicators both near and far."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08705
Pages 240-249 in Gordon Wilson, Pamela Furniss and Richard Kimbowa (eds.), Environment, development and sustainability: perspectives and cases from around the world. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England. 290 pages.