Subhead: "Are the many alliances and acquisitions among platforms really designed to benefit farmers?" ... "While a data-sharing platform may put growers in the driver's seat when it comes to how their information is distributed, ag tech providers have not always done a good job of communicating that message. 'Problems arise when owners of the data feel as though they no longer understand who is accessing their data and why,' Tatge says."
Via UI Library online subscription., Owner of the Hardwick Gazette community newspaper in Vermont describes his experience in seeking a new owner through an essay contest. His quest included confirmation of the importance of community newspapers in their areas of circulation.
Online from publisher website. 3 pages., "After a punishing year of food-safety concerns, Chipotle dropped one of its CEOs and prepared to improve its in-store experience as its financial woes bled into 2017." Public health issues facing burrito chain Chipotle Mexican Grill following outbreaks of E. coli.
December 1 issue via online. 3 pages., Farm Journal Media will purchase Vance's agriculture and produce assets. Vance Publishing is a multimedia company founded in Chicago in 1937.
Online from periodical., Report about pressure facing Cornell University officials by students and faculty over HCN's "Land-grab universities" investigation. Includes an acknowledgment by a University of California official that "...we must acknowledge how our history, including the Morrill Land Grant Act, impacts indigenous people. Now more than ever we, as a university, must take immediate action to acknowledge past wrongs, build trusting and respectful relationships, and accelerate change and justice for our Native Nations and Tribal communities."
Citation, abstract, and conclusions (2 pages) printed for ACDC filing and storage., This study identified five underlying frames (mostly in print media but with attention to a television soap opera based on the MST's activities) and examined the images of the movement that the frames presented. "Though the coverage often presents the MST in a favorable light, it does not necessarily encourage the goal of mobilization that the movement seeks to promote."
August 1 issue via online. 2 pages., Article describes sale of Cygnus Business Media's agriculture group to American Farm Bureau Federation, "the largest trade association in the U.S. agriculture industry."
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D09318
Online from Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, New York City, New York. 5 pages., Interview with Beverly Bell on Berta Caceres and indigenous environmental activism. Caceres was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize in 2015 for leading an indigenous campaign that successfully pressured the world's largest dam builder to pull out of the Agua Zarca Dam.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 30 Document Number: D10562
3 pages., via blog from Janzen Ag Law - online via AgriMarketing Weekly., Since big data arrived in agriculture a few years ago, I have watched companies struggle with how to address farmers' concerns with ag data privacy, security, and control. Some companies have started with a clean sheet of paper and drafted agreements that reflect what they actually do. Others have taken a short cut by cutting and pasting agreements from other industries. The result is that contracts for ag data collection, use and sharing are inconsistent and often miss the point-to communicate the company's intentions with users.
8 pages., Online via Ryerson Review of Journalism website. Published on February 19, 2020., Tara de Ryk, owner and publisher of a rural Saskatchewan weekly newspaper, decided after 21 years to retire from the newspaper business. This article describes how community interest in local news and an adventuresome spirit prompted her to conduct a give-away contest in late 2019. Interested persons were invited to write an essay (500 words maximum) about how they would be ideal owner and publisher of the Davidson Leader. The article describes the contest and winning entry, which led to change in ownership.
November 13 issue via online. 2 pages., "The deal adds almost two dozen brands to the six in Penton's agricultural group, doubling the size of Penton. Farm Progress has been owned by Australia-based Fairfax Media.
March 26 issue via online. 2 pages, Describes "the deal that combined 22 brands from Farm Progress with the six in Penton's ag group." Mentions some redundancies being addressed, especially in the southern region of the nation.
1 page., Analysis of media coverage of wildfires, with special notation of tendency of coverage to assign highest value to the interests of private property owners in the fire region and to assign low value to publicly owned land in the region.
September 15 issue via online. 3 pages., Purchase by this UK-based firm adds 30 exhibitions, more than 20 data and intelligence brands, and more than 100 print and digital business-to-business brands.
Editorial comments on the series of mergers, consolidations, and buy-up in many sectors of the agricultural marketplace. "As always, only time will tell how long-standing any of these new names end up being."
Online from publication., This report describes a petition by 11 Southeast Alaska Native Tribes to create a "Traditional Homelands Conservation Rule." It is a new strategy in tribal nations' ongoing efforts to hold the federal government to its legal responsibility to consult with them on projects that impact them. It includes case examples of past failures to do so.
10 pages., Via online journal., Forest ownership is changing in Europe. Reasons include recent institutional changes in Eastern Europe, changing lifestyles of non-agricultural owners and afforestation. At present, there is little comparative analysis across Europe, and the implications that these changes have for forest management and for the fulfilment and redefinition of policy objectives have not been addressed systematically. This paper has been developed in the framework of a European research network on forest ownership change, based on conceptual work, literature reviews and empirical evidence from 28 European countries. It aims to provide an overview of the state of knowledge, to discuss relevant issues and provide conceptual and practical foundations for future research, forest management approaches, and policy making. In particular, it discusses possible approaches for classifying forest ownership types and understandings of “new” forest ownership. One important insight is that the division into public and private forests is not as clear as often assumed and that an additional category of semi-public (or semi-private) forms of forest ownership would be desirable. Another recommendation is that the concepts of “new forest owners” vs. “new forest owner types” should be differentiated more consciously. We observe that, in research and policy practice, the mutual relations between forest ownership structure and policies are often neglected, for instance, how policies may directly and indirectly influence ownership development, and what different ownership categories mean for the fulfilment of policy goals. Finally, we propose that better support should be provided for the development of new, adapted forest management approaches for emerging forest owner types. Forest ownership deserves greater attention in studies dealing with forest policy or forest management.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 201 Document Number: D11821
Online via, Online search of keywords identified this dissertation in partial fulfillment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Texas A&M University, College Station. 160 pages. Only the description and citation details are printed and filed for reference. 2 pages., Using content analysis, author examined coverage of the December 2003 bovine spongiform encephalopathy event to discover reporters' sources for breaking agricultural news, the impact of reporter specialization on source choices, and the impact of newspaper differences, including location, circulation, and ownership, on coverage. Findings led to suggestions for reporters, editors who employ reporters, and universities in their establishment of journalism curricula.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 202 Document Number: D12151
Online via AgriMarketing Weekly. 1 page., Data, analytics and technology company DTN acquires a global farm-level data source, Farm Market ID. Both share goals of helping agribusinesses support producers.