21 pages, via online journal, How an agricultural organization handles the way the media reports a crisis can have an impact on the public’s perceptions of the organization, and sometimes the industry as a whole. The popularity of social media outlets as a venue for disseminating and gathering information and news makes the use of social media surrounding agricultural crises an important topic to investigate (Glynn, Huge, & Hoffman 2012; Hermida, 2010). A qualitative case study was conducted to investigate the use of social media tools during an agricultural crisis. The participants – communications directors, social media managers, and individuals with a close connection to the crisis under study – reported that social media was a major component of their communication efforts surrounding each crisis. Participants felt social media was very effective in these situations and had a major impact on their communication efforts. Although no participants reported using a structured social media strategy or crisis communication plan, they stated a need for such guidelines in the agricultural industry. From the data analyzed in this study, a model for using social media during a crisis situation, aimed specifically for use by those in the agricultural industry, was developed. This project was funded through the USDA's Beginning Farmers & Ranchers Project.
Adolwa, Ivan S. (author), Okoth, Peter F. (author), Mulwa, Richard M. (author), Esilaba, Anthony O. (author), Mairura, Franklin S. (author), and Nambiro, Elizabeth (author)
Journal article abstract
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 138 Document Number: D05669
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 183 Document Number: C37354
See C37280 for original, Page 75 in Fred Myers, Running the gamut: writings of Fred Myers, journalist and 50-year members, American Agricultural Editors' Association. Fred Myers, publishers, Florence, Alabama. 125 pages., Author reports that this is his final column in the series, Running the Gamut.
Manrique, Jorge (author), Palao, Juan A. (author), and de Mesquita, Mourik Bueno (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C17256
Pages 167-175 in Carine Alders, Bertus Haverkort and Laurens van Veldhuizen (eds.), Linking with farmers: networking for low-external-input and sustainable agriculture. Intermediate Technology Publications, London, UK. 298 pages.
Cites results of a simulated outbreak of food and mouth disease. Reports recommendations, including needs for coordinated communicating among organizations.
7 pages, Via online journal., As agricultural communications has grown and evolved since its origins more than 100 years ago, the future directions of the discipline related to teaching, research, and as a professional organization are discussed with a challenge to the members of the profession to be engaged in future discussions and decisions.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 34 Document Number: D10685
Claude W. Gifford Collection. PACER Project., Claude W. Gifford Collection. 2 pages., Transmittal note inviting an attorney to handle incorporation of PACER, a non-profit corporation under the Illinois statutes. Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws are not included, however the transmittal note identifies the name, location (Washington, D.C.) and principal officers (presidents serving the Agricultural Relations Council, American Agricultural Editors' Association, Cooperative Editorial Association, National Association of Farm Broadcasters, and Newspaper Farm Editors of America.
Sampong, D.D. (author), Egyir, I.S. (author), and Yaw, Osei-Asare (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 102 Document Number: D10923
Paper presented at the African Association of Agricultural Economists second international conference, Accra, Guana, August 20-22, 2007. 4 pages., The traditional way of information dissemination has been through people; the modern way is through the electronic media – improved information and communication technologies (ICTs). For effectiveness, modern ICTs should help women to improve on their income generating capacity. Issues of level of resource capacity of women, information needed, and current sources of such information become important. This study sought to investigate the issues above with respect to rural women food producers in the Mfantsiman District of Ghana. Simple descriptive statistics and econometric models were employed in the data analysis of 91 randomly selected respondents. The results of the study showed that: In general, the women food producers were aged, subsistence food crop farmers. They depended on the natural rainfall cycle and had inadequate funds, so they use traditional inputs for production and sell surpluses in the community. The most important agricultural information needed was on inputs, specifically, low cost in-kind or cash credit. Currently, the major information sources are relatives and other farmers in the locality, agricultural extension agents, the radio and television. This suggests that the women food producers have low resource capacity and this could limit the adoption of modern ICTs as a source of and media for information dissemination. Yet, the regression results show that the few (6) mobile phone users have a higher income generating capacity. In order to improve on capacity to use modern ICTs for increased access to other resources, women farmers’ should organize themselves into formidable groups so local institutions can assist easily.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08698
Pages 65-75 in Gordon Wilson, Pamela Furniss and Richard Kimbowa (eds.), Environment, development and sustainability: perspectives and cases from around the world. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England. 290 pages.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 152 Document Number: C24727
Retrieved September 16, 2006, 5 pages., Les nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication au service de la radio rurale: nouveaux contenus, nouveaux partenariats
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 198 Document Number: D09641
Eugene A. Kroupa Collection, Thesis for master of science degree in environmental communication, Agricultural Journalism Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 65 pages.
Furbee, Robert (author), Knecht, Thomas (author), Hilt, Marcella (author), and Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 185 Document Number: D00540
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 17 Document Number: B02030
#1077, Harold Swanson Collection, Ithaca, NY : New York State Colleges of Agriculture and Human Ecology Statutory Colleges of the State University, at Cornell University, 1968. 16 p. (Bulletin 8)
Hunt, Warren (author), Birch, Colin (author), Vanclay, Frank (author), and Coutts, Jeff (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D02443
Page 75 - Abstract of a paper presented at the International Conference of the Australasia Pacific Extension Network (APEN), Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand, August 26-28, 2013. 100 pages.
Okello, Julius Juma (author), Okello, Ruth M. (author), and Ofwona-Adera, Edith (author)
Book chapter
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D02156
Pages 1-18 in Blessing M. Maumbe (ed.), E-agriculture and e-government for global policy development: implications and future directions. Information Science Reference, Hershey, Pennsylvania. 321 pages.
Accessed August 3, 2015., Early Journal Content, JSTOR., "Probably the earliest item of American agricultural history of which more than shadowy tradition remains is found in the writings of Adam of Bremen, who before 1076 quotes the words of King Svend of Denmark..." (p. 186)
Beal, George M. (author), Bohlen, Joe M. (author), and Lingren, Herbert G. (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 15 Document Number: B01824
#980, Harold Swanson Collection. Claude W. Gifford Collection., Ames, IA : Agricultural and Home Economics Experiment Station, Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, 1966. 24 p. (Special Report No.49)
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 183 Document Number: C37295
See C37280 for original, Page 16 in Fred Myers, Running the gamut: writings of Fred Myers, journalist and 50-year members, American Agricultural Editors' Association. Fred Myers, publishers, Florence, Alabama. 125 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08345
Pages 265-285 in Steve May, Case studies in organizational communication: ethical perspectives and practices. Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, California. 402 pages.
Describes a campaign by the National Christmas Tree Association to recapture market share lost to artificial trees during the past 10 years and attract new buyers of live trees. Included a national contest for school-aged children and a national cross-promotion program with a major motion picture ("The Polar Express") released during the holiday season.
Telg, Ricky (author), Irani, Tracy (author), Carter, Hannah (author), Settle, Quisto (author), Goodwin, Joy (author), Wysocki, Al (author), and Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 186 Document Number: D00614
2012 ACE research conference, Annapolis, Maryland, June 11, 2012. 1 page.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 169 Document Number: C28425
Via Produce Safety Project, an initiative of the Pew Charitable Trusts at Georgetown University. 21 pages., Includes an identification of weaknesses in communications during this outbreak.