10 pages., Article #:4FEA4, via online journal., Childhood obesity is one of the leading problems facing Americans today. As children continue to struggle with both obesity and food insecurity, many parents and doctors look to schools to be responsible for providing healthful meals. The aim of the Farm to School (F2S) program is to bring fresh, local produce into school cafeterias. Aligning with Extension goals, the F2S program provides an opportunity for both the development of healthful lifestyles and increases in agricultural profits. Through interviews with producers and school food service directors, we determined ways Extension programming can be used to improve the efficiency of the F2S program.
15 pages., Online via AgEconSearch., Results of a field experiment at a university cafeteria indicated that "provision of nutritional information by itself can have zero or low impact unless it synergizes with other instruments such as nutritional education, social norm provisions and nudges."
17 pages., Online via UI e-subscription, Researchers used content analysis to determine the relationship between the use of celebrities and the types of products endorsed in one popular U.S. magazine and two popular Thailand magazines. Results indicated that a significant relationship existed among celebrity endorsers and product types. Product categories involving food, diet, and weight loss were among those in which celebrity endorsers were used most.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D02363
Report of a workshop of the Institute of Medicine's Standing Committee on Childhood Obesity Prevention, held in Washington, D.C., November 5, 2012. 76 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D07366
Pages 215-228 in Peter Bennett, Kenneth Calman, Sarah Curtis and Denis Fischbacher-Smith (eds.). Risk communication and public health. Second edition. Osvord University Press, Oxford, England. 339 pages.