Beall, Deborah Lane (author), Foerster, Susan (author), Knobel, Susan (author), Livingston, Sally (author), and Magnuson, Helen (author)
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 97 Document Number: C07875
James F. Evans Collection, Ham, Mimeographed, 1994. 1 p. Presented at the Society for Nutrition Education, Portland, OR, July 16-20, 1994., Fruit and vegetable consumption by children falls well below recommended levels. NCI's 5 A Day Program targets adults only. California's health department, produce industry, education department and American Cancer Society are reaching 4th and 5th graders with a child-driven campaign that offers adult intermediaries new, easy ways to engage kids. It applies resiliency theory (used in substance abuse) to help kids manage negatives in their food environment. Research and development, testing, revision, implementation, evaluation, and institutionalization will conclude by mid-1995. A 3-year marketing plan mobilized partners' efforts. Initial research with children and adult opinion leaders determined the focus, design, and elements of the campaign. "Turnkey" Idea and Resource (I&R) Kits were devised as vehicles to deliver the program in schools, community youth organizations (CYOs), and markets, complemented by state-level media. A "grants" program helped underwrite television PSAs, print media, and the kits. Research findings received considerable press attention. Pilot testing of the School I&R in nearly 50 classrooms revealed high student, teacher, and foodservice acceptability. ACS volunteers will provide outreach and additional feedback from more school districts statewide. Process measures with supermarkets and CYOs will be collected later in 1994. Children's 5 A Day is a large-scale program suitable for state 5 A Day, comprehensive school, health, and USDA school meal improvement initiatives. Despite clear public health need and widespread popularity, substantial advocacy is needed if such programs are to reach all children.
15 pages., Online via AgEconSearch., Results of a field experiment at a university cafeteria indicated that "provision of nutritional information by itself can have zero or low impact unless it synergizes with other instruments such as nutritional education, social norm provisions and nudges."