8 pages., More than 800 Australian adults responded to an electronic questionnaire distributed via email and social media. Respondents "were challenged to accurately perceive silhouettes corresponding to an obese body mass index (BMI) in themselves and others. Misperception of weight status was more likely to exist among those with a BMI less than 18.5 - or 30 or more ("overweight" and "obese"). "Silhouettes may act as an effective visual cue in initiating weight related discussions."
9pgs, Soil loss due to crop harvest contributes to land degradation, and knowledge of this challenge can guide the choice of crops for sustainable agriculture. Nigeria is the largest producer of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and the third largest producer of peanut (Arachis hypogaea Linn) in the world. Due to limited information on soil loss during peanut and cassava harvests worldwide, and cost of nutrient loss, a two-year field experiment was conducted to compare soil loss due to harvesting of peanut and cassava and to estimate cost of nutrient loss due to crop harvest under traditional agriculture. Peanut pod yields of 2.39 and 2.08 t ha–1harvest–1 removed 0.62 and 0.58 t ha–1 harvest–1 during peanut harvest, respectively, for years 1 and 2. Similarly, cassava yields of 22.71 and 21.40 t ha–1 harvest–1 removed 1.11 and 0.91 t ha–1harvest–1 during cassava harvest, respectively, for years 1 and 2. Crop yields strongly correlated with soil loss due to peanut harvest (R2= 0.36; p < 0.001) and soil loss due to cassava harvest (R2 = 0.23; p < 0.01). Significantly higher soil loss due to cassava harvest compared to peanut harvest can be ascribed to higher cassava yield. Also, soil nutrient loss due to crop harvest was significantly (p < 0.001) higher for cassava compared with peanut by 27.6% phosphorus (P) and 73.7% potassium (K) for the first year and 39.2% P and 79.1% K for the second year. Fertilizer equivalent cost of P and K losses due to cassava harvest for the two years was higher than that of peanut by US$29 ha–1. The study indicated that the intensity of nutrient loss by harvesting is largely dependent on the crop type, and harvesting of cassava can deplete soil nutrients faster than that of peanut under traditional agriculture. Sequential planting of cassava (deep rooted crop) followed by peanut (shallow rooted crop) as a crop rotation management practice is recommended to mitigate soil loss due to continuous harvesting of cassava, and harvesting with thorough shaking technique is also suggested to reduce nutrient loss potential of crop harvesting.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 137 Document Number: D02471
Paper presented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association's AAEA and CAES Joint Annual Meeting, Washington,D.C., August 4-6, 2013. 43 pages.
Peterson, Shirley S. (author), Gerstein, Dana E. (author), Mugford, Krista (author), Willey, Rachael (author), Davis, Jenny (author), Nicholson, Lisa (author), and Crawford, Patricia B. (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 163 Document Number: C27172
University of Tasmania, 10 pages, At the same time as overweight and obesity have come to dominate population health priorities in most western countries, food programming takes up more time on western television screens than ever before. This has resulted both in increased televisual representations of so-called ‘unhealthy’ foods (such as butter, cream and fatty red meats), and in greater public health scrutiny of the preparation and consumption of such foods. This article explores this paradox via a case study of MasterChef Australia, the most successful iteration of the popular MasterChef franchise. At a time when the ‘obesity epidemic’ has been a particular focus of Australian public health promotion, MasterChef Australia revels in the apparently ‘excessive’ use of saturated fats, especially butter, a food routinely declared by Australian health advocacy bodies as one to be avoided. This article argues that MasterChef Australia offers an alternative to puritanical nutrition discourses – not, on the whole, by explicitly contesting them, but by presenting food in ways that such discourses are largely irrelevant. The public health concerns generated by this use of butter on MasterChef Australia offer important insight into current debates about food and health, and, in particular, into the limitations of current public health communication strategies.
Online ISSN: 1876-4525
Print ISSN: 1876-4517, Via online journal., Despite recent improvements in the national average, stunting levels in Afghanistan exceed 70% in some Provinces. Agriculture serves as the main source of livelihood for over half of the population and has the potential to be a strong driver of a reduction in under-nutrition. This article reports research conducted through interviews with stakeholders in agriculture and nutrition in the capital, Kabul, and four provinces of Afghanistan, to gain a better understanding of the institutional and political factors surrounding policy making and the nutrition-sensitivity of agriculture. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a total of 46 stakeholders from central government and four provinces, including staff from international organizations, NGOs and universities. We found evidence of interdisciplinary communication at the central level and within Provinces, but little evidence of vertical coordination in policy formulation and implementation between the centre and Provinces. Policy formulation and decision making were largely sectoral, top-down, and poorly contextualised. The weaknesses identified in policy formulation, focus, knowledge management, and human and financial resources inhibit the orientation of national agricultural development strategies towards nutrition-sensitivity. Integrating agriculture and nutrition policies requires explicit leadership from the centre. However, effectiveness of a food-based approach to reducing nutrition insecurity will depend on decentralising policy ownership to the regions and provinces through stronger subnational governance. Security and humanitarian considerations point to the need to manage and integrate in a deliberate way the acute humanitarian care and long-term development needs, of which malnutrition is just one element.
20 pages, Knowledge of agricultural practices has declined in recent years, resulting in consumers becoming uncertain of where and how their food has been produced and the marketing tactics used to promote the product. Historically, the U.S. population’s rich agricultural heritage coincided with higher levels of agricultural literacy. Some scholars, however, have maintained that U.S. culture has begun to lose touch with its agricultural foundations. More recent evidence has demonstrated that consumers acquire knowledge about their food from various media, most notably the Internet and social media. Often these sources use incorrect information and promote food and agricultural marketing trends that may not be grounded in scientific data. In response, this historical narrative analyzed a reform effort that occurred in U.S. food labeling policy and practice in the 1900s, which contributed to food labeling issues and consumer distrust in the agricultural industry. Based on the findings of this investigation, we concluded that food labels were initially intended to provide consumers with more profound knowledge of the food they purchased. However, key legislative acts such as the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act and the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act shifted the food labeling movement into a branding device to differentiate products and brands. We recommend that agricultural practitioners explore new ways to communicate their message more effectively. We also call for producers to incorporate more personal and emotional appeals when marketing agricultural products to better compete with third-party branding efforts.
Findings "suggest a more active role for nutritionists in encouraging magazines to increase the proportion of messages that promote widely-accepted dietary recommendations and decrease the proportion that focus on more tangential aspects of nutrition."
Sampling of Australian information-type television shows revealed that only 1.3% of the time was devoted to nutrition. Authors suggested that nutritionists need to work with the media to increase the amount of nutrition information on television and ensure higher profile of messages that involve variety, balance and a more comprehensive depiction of a healthful diet.
USA: Federal Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08929
Page 7 in Grace Gallup and Lucinda Crile, Bibliography on Extension Research, November 1943-1948. Library List No. 48. USDA Library, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Brief summary of article in American Dietetics Association Journal, 24 : 23-31. January 1948.
2 pages, "In fact, it might be argued that this is one of those rare stories that ends with everyone looking good - the government for enacting the new law, the food manufacturers for responding to consumer pressure, and the media for bringing an under-exposed danger to light"
11 pages., Online via UI e-subscription., This article addressed concerns that "food marketing directed at children is ubiquitous and effective, and hence is a significant contributor to childhood obesity both in the U.S. and other countries. Authors provided a review of literature about this development and public issue. As well, they offered suggestions for parents, community leaders, policy makers, and the food industry.
17 pages., Online via UI e-subscription, Researchers used content analysis to determine the relationship between the use of celebrities and the types of products endorsed in one popular U.S. magazine and two popular Thailand magazines. Results indicated that a significant relationship existed among celebrity endorsers and product types. Product categories involving food, diet, and weight loss were among those in which celebrity endorsers were used most.
Settle, Quisto (author), McCarty, Keelee (author), Rumble, Joy N. (author), and Ruth, Taylor K. (author)
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 162 Document Number: D08127
Research paper presented in the Agricultural Communications Section, Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists (SAAS) in San Antonio,Texas, February 7-8, 2016. 24 pages.
Online from publication issue. 3 pages., Article summarizes findings of the 16th annual "Power of Meat" survey funded by the Food Industry Association (FMI) and the North American Meat Institute's (Meat Institute) Foundation for Meat and Poultry Research and Education. Focuses on beef, pork, and poultry consumption in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.