Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08815
Pages 105-136 in Heike Graf (ed.), The environment in the age of the internet: activists, communication, and the digital landscape. United Kingdom: Open Book Publishers, Cambridge. 175 pages.
11 pages., Online via publisher., Examined people's perceptions of their connection to nature as well as their ideas about what constitutes natural and unnatural environments. Results showed that even though the majority of the participants considered themselves part of nature (76.9%), natural environments were largely described as places absent from any human interference.
Rogers-Randolph, Tiffany (author), Lundy, Lisa K. (author), Telg, Ricky W. (author), Rumble, Joy N. (author), Myers, Brian (author), and Lindsey, Angela B. (author)
Journal article
Publication Date:
United States: New Prairie Press
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 203 Document Number: D12249
19 pages, The demand for agriculture, food, and natural resource (AFNR) messages to be conveyed via channels of social media provides a natural inclination to seek out digital natives, such as state FFA officers, to fill the present gap of agriculturalists in online environments. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that influence state FFA officers' behaviors of communicating about AFNR issues on social networking sites. The theoretical framework that guided this study of communication behaviors was the theory of planned behavior. A census of the accessible population of 276 state officers was attempted, and 97 usable responses were received (35.1%). The findings reinforced the use of the theory of planned behavior to understand, predict, and change AFNR social media behaviors. The significance of subjective norms suggested that online AFNR communication is mainly under subjective control for state FFA officers. To increase online engagement of state FFA officers, it is recommended that behavioral change efforts target normative beliefs and that clear behavioral expectations are expressed. Further research is recommended to determine if the significance of subjective norms as a predictor of intent is unique to technological and social media behaviors or applicable to a broader context. Additional research with other populations of young agriculturalists is also recommended.