search through journal, The responsibility and tasks of a national agricultural information system (NAIS) is discussed with emphasis on the Ministry of Agriculture Library in Jamaica. The nature of the institutional and interinstitutional infrastructure for agricultural activities; lack of professional staff; lack of awareness of the need for information by potential users; lack of provision for collecting locally generated material; and lack of skills in documentation on the part of agriculturalists are identified as factors hindering the coordination and progress of a NAIS in Jamaica. The development of the National Information Plan; availability of training at the professional and paraprofessional level within the island; cooperation and commitment among librarians at formal and informal levels; and the possibility of approaching funding agencies are described as advantages to a NAIS. Recommendations are made concluding that the problems cannot be fully addressed by librarians without the support of user organizations and there is a definite need for librarians to be active in the problem solving process. (author).
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 97 Document Number: C07788
James F. Evans Collection, cited reference, The Hague: International Service for National Agricultural Research, 1989. 37 p. (OFCOR Comparative Study Paper No. 3).
Bunting, A.H. (author / University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom) and University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 54 Document Number: C01137
AgComm Teaching; See also ID C01252 - C01275, In: Symposium on education for agriculture; 1984 November 12-16; Manila, Philippines. Manila, Philippines : the International Rice Research Institute, 1985. 32 p.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 95 Document Number: C07492
cited reference, In: The role of extension services in national development. Lusaka, Zambia: National Council for Scientific Research, May 1984. p. 129-131
Dong, Youl-Mo (author / Chief of Community Development Division, Office of Rural Development, Suweon, South Korea) and Chief of Community Development Division, Office of Rural Development, Suweon, South Korea
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 44 Document Number: B05331
James F. Evans Collection, In: Gajendra Singh, J.H. de Goede, eds. Proceedings of the International Conference on Rural Development Technology : an Integrated Approach, June 21-24, 1977, Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok, Thailand: Asian Institute of Technology, 1977. p. 725-732., Rural development can be described as an integrated approach to improve the quality of life of the people in the rural community by means of not only physical development but also human resources development with a strong policy as a national program. In order to achieve rural development effectively, it is necessary to integrate every governmental agency and institution as well as civil organizations to focus their attention on all multi-dimensional elements for rural prosperity. In this point of view, the integrated rural development program in Korea called Saemaul Undong (New Village Movement), which is first priority of the national action program, will be suitable example for a case study to those who are interested in the field. (original).
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D08786
Pages 71-89 in Gordon, Iain J. Prins, Herbert H.T. Squire, Geoff R. (eds.), Food production and nature conservation: conflicts and solutions. United Kingdom: Routledge, London. 348 pages.
Edgar, Leslie D. (author) and Rutherford, Tracy (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 172 Document Number: C29133
Presented at the international conference of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences, Des Moins,Iowa, June 6-9, 2009.
Francis, Candice (author), McDaniel, Drew (author), Oliveira, Omar (author), Teuke, Molly Rose (author), Williams, Sonja (author), and Graduate Student, School of Telecommunications, Ohio University, Athens; Graduate Student, School of Telecommunications, Ohio University, Athens; Graduate Student, School of Telecommunications, Ohio University, Athens; Graduate Student, School of Telecommunications, Ohio University, Athens; Professor and Director, School of Telecommunications, Ohio University, Athens
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 71 Document Number: C03168
Agcomm teaching, see C03165 for original, In: Sigman, Vickie A., ed. Development communications in the third world : proceedings of a midwest regional symposium at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; April 15, 1983. Urbana, IL : College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, 1984. p. 38-43
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 53 Document Number: C00764
AgComm Teaching, In Development Communications in the Third World: Proceedings of a Midwest Regional Symposium at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 15, 1983 (pp. 26-37). Urbana, Illinois: College of Agriculture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (International Agriculture Publications General Series No. 2).
Hobson, Melva (author), Stadler, Tania (author), and Hobson: Department of Primary Industry, Indooroopilly, Australia; Stadler: University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia
Conference paper
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 90 Document Number: C06490
James F. Evans Collection; Paper presented at a conference at University of College of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, November 1991, Mimeographed, 1991. 9 p.
International Agricultural Development Service (author) and International Service for National Agricultural Research (author)
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 95 Document Number: C07396
INTERPAKS, The Hague, Netherlands : International Service for National Agricultural Research, May 1982. 67 p., Discusses the potential role of international associations in strengthening national agricultural research in developing countries. In identifies a sample of these associations and notes some general characteristics and behavior by looking into the associations objectives, activities, and organizational arrangements. Discusses major problems influencing national research systems and activities in developing countries.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D02447
Page 86 - Abstract of a paper presented at the International Conference of the Australasia Pacific Extension Network (APEN), Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand, August 26-28, 2013. 100 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 95 Document Number: C07494
cited reference, In: The role of extension services in national development. Lusaka, Zambia: National Council for Scientific Research, May 1984. p. 134-137.
Klinefelter, D.A. (author), Knutson, R.D. (author), Paggi, M.S. (author), Richardson, J.W. (author), Smith, E.G. (author), and Agricultural and Food Policy Center, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 49 Document Number: C00126
College Station, TX : Texas A&M University, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, 1986. 73 p.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: KerryByrnes3 Document Number: D09145
Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, Agriculture and rural development technical services project
AID/LAC/DR/RD, Chemonics international, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Meyer, W.P. (author), Schlup, L.A. (author), and U.S. Department of Agriculture, American Association of Agricultural College Editors
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 46 Document Number: B05695
36 pages., Francis C. Byrnes Collection, final report B02342
See also B05691-B05698., Includes preliminary report supplement, conference reports, list of USDA materials sent to state extension services, and program development conference outline.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 95 Document Number: C07491
cited reference, In: The role of extension services in national development. Lusaka, Zambia: National Council for Scientific Research, May 1984. p. 122-128
Noordhoff, L.J. (author) and American Association of Agricultural College Editors
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 46 Document Number: B05696
5 pages., Francis C. Byrnes Collection, final report B02342
See also B05691-B05698., Includes preliminary report supplement, conference reports, list of USDA materials sent to state extension services, and program development conference outline.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 95 Document Number: C07423
INTERPAKS, In: M. Drosdoff, ed. World food issues, 2nd ed. Ithaca, NY: Center for the Analysis of World Food Issues, Program in International Agriculture, Cornell University, 1984. p. 65-71., Discusses factors and strategies necessary in developing countries to increase food production by agricultural research and technology transfer. Notes that factors affecting these issues include: (1) available physical and biological resources as they promote or constrain food production (2) the milieu for the initiation, development, testing, and delivery of new and improved technology appropriate to a given environment (local research and extension institutions); (3) government policies relative to incentives for farmers to produce more food; and, (4) existence of regional and international institutions to facilitate the generation and transfer of technology. Strategies identified as appropriate to the transfer of technology are: (1) the indigenous capability to understand the technology to be transferred; (2) adequately trained extension agents; (3) availability of researchers to modify the technology to fit local conditions; (4) ability to generate technology in situ; and (5) on-going farmer training.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: KerryByrnes1 Document Number: D01335
Kerry J. Byrnes Collection, Chapter 17: pages 292-309. Agricultural Extension Systems: An International Perspective. University of Maryland, College Park.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: C26053
Pages 221-237 in Ulrike Grote, Arnab K. Basu and Nancy H. Chau (eds.), New frontiers in environmental and social marketing. Physica-Verlag Heidelberg, New York. 241 pages.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 192 Document Number: D04640
Introduction, Paper presented to the Panel on Barriers to Effective International Transfer and Diffusion of Technology to African Countries...African Studies Association Annual Meeting, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1973.
Based on the Author's PHD dissertation research, Denver, CO: Denver Research Institute