Forker, Olan D. (author), Kaiser, Harry M. (author), Kobayashi, Kohei (author), Lenz, John E. (author), Suzuki, Nobuhiro (author), and National Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries; Department of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University; Department of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University; Department of Agricultural Economics, Kyushu University; Department of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University
Journal article
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 100 Document Number: C08405
search through journal, A framework is proposed for incorporating the degree of market competition in evaluating milk promotion effectiveness. The imperfect competition model allows simultaneity in price and quantity with an endogenous fluid milk premium. The model's usefulness is demonstrated with Japanese generic milk promotion data. Results show a conventional exogenous-price or exogenous-premium model will underestimate returns to milk promotion. (original)
Forker, Olan D. (author), Kaiser, Harry M. (author), Liu, Donald (author), Mount, Timothy D. (author), and Department of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University; Department of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University; Department of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University; Department of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 76 Document Number: C04109
See also C04100, Ithaca, NY : Cornell University, Department of Agricultural Economics, 1989. 69 p. (A.E. Res. 89-22)
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 95 Document Number: C07482
James F. Evans Collection, cited reference, In: T.S. Osteria and J.Y. Okamura, eds. Participatory Approaches to Development: Experiences in the Philippines. Manila, Philippines: De La Salle University Research Center, 1986. p. 77101
Gallaher, Art (author), Santopolo, Frank A. (author), and Department of Anthropology, University of Kentucky, Lexington; Department of Rural Sociology, University of Kentucky, Lexington
Journal article
Publication Date:
USA: Extension Journal, Inc.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 44 Document Number: B05365
Evans, cited reference, The Extension agent works in a social system that has two parts: a knowledge center and a client group. The agent functions in this work environment to link the resources of the knowledge center to the needs of the client system. In so doing, he is expected to play, either singly or in combination, the roles of analyst, advisor, advocator, and/or innovator. The authors define and discuss these four roles, in the attempt to help the Extension worker to better understand his work environment as he performs as a change agent. (original)
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 95 Document Number: C07413
INTERPAKS, In: Report of an Exploratory Workshop on the Role of Anthropologists and Other Social Scientists in Interdisciplinary Teams Developing Improved Food Production Technology, Los Banos, Philippines: International Rice Research Institute, 1982. p. 73-92, Discusses the contribution that an anthropologist can make to the design of a farming systems program. Describes the program of the Guatemalan Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology which focuses on the farmer as a decision maker. A decision model in constructed and tested and the policy implications of the results are discussed.