Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 123 Document Number: D11169
See a summary of this resource in the "Abstract" section of this citation. See the broader "International Projects" section in records of the Agricultural Communications Program, University of Illinois., 14 pages., This file involves correspondence and orientation resources involving the International Development Research Centre and the Agricultural Communications Program at the University of Illinois. The project file, entitled "International Development Research Centre," is from the International section of the Agricultural Communications Program, University of Illinois. File includes reference information about IDRC (based in Ottawa, Canada) and the Asia Regional Office in Singapore. This information includes the history and mission of IDRC, including involvement in journalism training, scientific communications, and media development (print, radio, audiovisual). A closing section identifies five communications topics recommended for exploration.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 201 Document Number: D11694
18 pages., Online from publisher website., Issue brief in the UNESCO series, "World trends in freedom of expression and media development." Reports seven key trends involving increasing disinformation, rising demand for verified information, need for more more transparency, some regulatory measures restricting human rights, risks to safety of journalists, economic threat to journalism, and new opportunities to stand up for journalism.
8 pages., Issue of May 3, 2013., Author used a current exhibition sponsored by the Metropolitan Museum of Art to emphasize that manipulation of photographs "is nearly as old as the medium itself."
April 2 issue via online. 3 pages., Emphasizing the changing means of communicating, author notes the enduring act of reading, across time and place. "Magazine media continues to do what we have done for hundreds of years. We store valuable information for sale." "Many rural communities around the world have skipped the step of hard wired infrastructure and gone right to modern cellular networks."